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The Seasons and the weather 2 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Seasons and the weather
What’s the season now?
What’s the weather

like today?

The Seasons and the weatherWhat’s the season now?What’s the weather like today?

Слайд 2It’s winter.

It’s winter.

Слайд 3The weather is cold and snowy.

The weather is cold and snowy.

Слайд 4It’s spring.
The weather is cold .
The weather is warm.

It’s spring.The weather is cold .The weather is warm.

Слайд 5It’s summer.

It’s summer.

Слайд 6The weather is hot and sunny in summer.

The weather is hot and sunny  in summer.

Слайд 7It’s autumn. The weather is windy ,cloudy and rainy.

It’s autumn. The weather is  windy ,cloudy and rainy.

Слайд 8Seasons Spring is green Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white.

Seasons  Spring is green Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white.

Слайд 9Complete the sentences. The weather is …in winter. The weather is …in

spring. The weather is … and … in summer. The weather is

…, … and … in autumn.
Complete the sentences.  The weather is …in winter. The weather is …in spring. The weather is

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