Разделы презентаций

Health above wealth

Questions:- How do bad habits influence our health and our appearance? – What does our health depend on? – Is it important to care about our health and our appearance?  – How

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Слайд 1Health above Wealth
How and what to do?

Health above WealthHow and what to do?

Слайд 2Questions:
- How do bad habits influence our health

and our appearance? – What does our health depend on? – Is it important

to care about our health and our appearance?  – How should we do it? – What should we do to keep fit and be healthy?
Questions:-   How do bad habits influence our health and our appearance? – What does our health

Слайд 3The Aim of our Lesson is:
To discuss the ways to

stay healthy
To present projects on healthy lifestyle

The Aim of our Lesson is:To discuss the ways to stay healthyTo present projects on healthy lifestyle

Слайд 4Glossary
Care about
Health habits
Pay attention to
Depend on
High fibre food


Keep healthy
Physical activity
Gain weight

Glossary Care aboutHealth habitsInfluencePay attention toDepend onCauseHigh fibre foodPromote Convince Keep healthyAffectPhysical activityGain weightDeadly

Слайд 5Good and Bad Habits
healthy diet, do sports, eating sweets, drinking

alcohol, obesity,  snacking, eating breakfast, smoking, taking drugs, skipping breakfast,

exercising, eating high fibre food, physical inactivity, sleeping too much or too little, regular meals, eating wholemeal bread, sleeping 7 or 8 hours, eating low fat food, getting up early
Good and Bad Habitshealthy diet, do sports, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, obesity,  snacking, eating breakfast, smoking, taking

Слайд 7How bad habits influence our health
Smoking …
Drinking alcohol
Taking drugs

Some teenagers look pale and tired because
social controls                                                                   
causes slow

reactions and loss of memory
makes our teeth yellow and our hair, clothes smell.
they have problems with their hair and skin
causes a cough and  headache.
affects the whole family and the people around you.
makes your brain centres sleep and affects your
they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals.
makes our speech unclear.
they have anaemia
How bad habits influence our health Smoking …Drinking alcoholTaking drugs …Some teenagers look pale and tired because

Слайд 8 Proverbs about Health
1 Health is better
2 Early to

bed and early to rise     
 3 Healthy mind 

 4 An apple a day     
5 Live not to eat     
6 Eat with pleasure,     
7 A change of activity

 a. but eat to live.     
b. is the best rest.     
c. drink with measure.   
d. keeps a doctor away.       
e. in a healthy body.
f. makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
g. than wealth.

Proverbs about Health1 Health is better2 Early to bed and early to rise     

Слайд 10Projects on:
Tips on healthy living for:
Elderly people
Tips on healthy eating

Projects on:Tips on healthy living for:AdultsChildrenElderly peopleTips on healthy eating

Слайд 11Let’s Make a Conclusion:

Let’s Make a Conclusion:

Слайд 12Every one of us is responsible for the style of

life he wants to follow.
Eat fresh foodDrink plenty of

Follow a balanced healthy diet
Exercise regularly.
Be patient, do not you just get the frustration with the slow results
Spend most of the time with those you love
Get good sleep to give your body time to relax
Learn how to laugh.
Stop watching TV programs, especially the serious news if you are in a bad psychological state.

Every one of us is responsible for the style of life he wants to follow. Eat fresh

Слайд 13Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

Be Healthy,  Wealthy and Wise!

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