Разделы презентаций

Reported (Indirect) speech in Present

OUR PLANTo check up homeworkTo revise reported speech in PresentTo do some exercisesTo read the text about WalesTry to retell the text

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1
(Indirect )
in Present

Reported (Indirect ) speechin Present

Слайд 2 OUR PLAN

To check up homework
To revise

reported speech in Present
To do some exercises
To read the text

about Wales
Try to retell the text

OUR PLANTo check up homeworkTo revise reported speech in PresentTo do some exercisesTo

Слайд 3 The Phonetic Exercise:

Little Linda lost her locket,

Lovely , lucky, little locket.

Lately Linda found her locket

Lying still in Linda’s pocket.
The  Phonetic  Exercise:Little Linda lost her locket, Lovely , lucky, little locket. Lately Linda

Слайд 4 Last Homework

Kate asks his little

brother if he has washed his face and hands.
The mother

asks her daughter if she wants to have tea.
The man asks a policeman if he will turn to the right or to the left.
Robert asks his friend whether the wind is strong.
Mr. Small tells his son to put on his raincoat because it’s raining.
Ann asks her grandmother to take her to Aunt.
Dick asks his friend if he can help him with his sums.
John tells his father that he has never been in the mountains.

Last Homework				   Kate asks his little brother if he has washed his face

Слайд 5 MARKS:

5 – 0-1 mistakes
4 –

2 mistakes
3 – 3- 5 mistakes
2 – 6- 8 mistakes

MARKS:5 – 0-1 mistakes4 – 2 mistakes3 – 3- 5 mistakes2 –

Слайд 6Тип
Общие и альтернативные
tell smb

ask, tell,
оrder smb
ask , wonder,
want to know

want to know
Союз – (that)
Союз – вопросительное слово
Союз – if


to V,
not to V

порядок слов

порядок слов

Перевод прямой речи в косвенную

Типпредложенияповествова-тельноеповелительноеспециальныевопросыОбщие и альтернативныевопросыtell smbthinkexplainask, tell,оrder smbask , wonder,want to knowask, wonder,want to knowСоюз – (that)Союз – вопросительное

Слайд 7*Необходимо обратить внимание, что форма будущего времени will в косвенной

речи после союза if должна сохраняться.
*Глагол to address в косвенном

предложении желательно заменить на ask или wonder.
*Необходимо обратить внимание, что форма будущего времени will в косвенной речи после союза if должна сохраняться. *Глагол

Слайд 8 Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики, содержащие общие вопросы: 1. She

says to me: “Do you like to drink milk?” 2.*

He says to Bob: “Will you come to us?” 3. They ask Nick: “Did you go to the park?” 4. He asks her: “Have you done her homework?” 5.* She addresses me:“Do you know Eliza?” 6. He asks Ann: “Would you like some coffee?”
Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики, содержащие общие вопросы:   1. She says to me:

Слайд 9 Answers:

She asks me if I like to drink milk.

2. He

asks Bob if he will come to them.

3. They ask

Nick if he went to the park.

4. He asks her if she has done her homework.

5. She wonders if I know Eliza.

6. He asks Ann if she would like some coffee.
Answers:She asks me if I like to drink milk.2. He asks Bob if he will come to

Слайд 10 Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики, содержащие специальные вопросы: 1. She

asks Tom: “Where are you going?”

2. He asks his

Mum: “What have they brought?”

3.* She asks Bob: “When will he come?”

Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики, содержащие специальные вопросы:  1. She asks Tom: “Where are you

Слайд 11Answers:

She wonders where Tom is going.
He wants to know what

they have brought.
She asks Bob when he will come.

Answers:She wonders where Tom is going.He wants to know what they have brought.She asks Bob when he

Слайд 12Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики в повелительном наклонении:

He says to

Ann: “Take the bag!“

2. They say to the children:

“Help your mother!”

3. The boy says to his dog: “Go home!”

4. The girl says to her brother: “Don’t touch the glass!”

Перестройте в косвенную речь реплики в повелительном наклонении:He says to Ann: “Take the bag!“ 2. They say

Слайд 13


He tells Ann to

take the bag.

They tell the children to help their mother.

The boy tells his dog to go home.

The girl tells her brother not to touch the glass.

Слайд 14ТHE END
Подготовила учитель английского языка
МКОУ СОШ №6 городского округа

город Фролово
Малышева Марина Владимировна

ТHE ENDПодготовила учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №6 городского округа город ФроловоМалышева Марина Владимировна

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