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The capitals of the world

London Hello! Today I’m your guide. I want to tell you about London. London is the capital of the UK. London is a very big and beautiful city. London has many

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Слайд 1The capitals of the world

The capitals of the world

Слайд 2London
Hello! Today I’m your guide. I want to tell you

about London. London is the capital of the UK. London

is a very big and beautiful city. London has many places to visit: museums, art galleries, theatres, cinemas, stadiums, parks.
Let’s begin our excursion.

London Hello! Today I’m your guide. I want to tell you about London. London is the capital

Слайд 3 Big Ben We begin our excursion from

Big Ben. Tourists in London want to visit Westminster and see

Big Ben. They want to see the clock and to hear the bell. You can hear it every hour. Now let’s go to Westminster Abbey.
Big Ben  We begin our excursion from Big Ben. Tourists in London

Слайд 4Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend

says that Westminster Abbey was founded by St Peter himself.

We know that Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. Now we are going to the Houses of Parliament.
Westminster Abbey  Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminster Abbey was

Слайд 5The Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament are the power

of the British Empire. Now we are going to Buckingham Palace.

The Houses of Parliament  The Houses of Parliament are the power of the British Empire.

Слайд 6Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the

Queen. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards

takes place in front of it. The palace was built in 1703 by Duke of Buckingham. Now we are going to Trafalgar Square.
Buckingham Palace  Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. The daily ceremony of

Слайд 7Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It

was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the

battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square. Now we are going to Tower.
Trafalgar Square  Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of

Слайд 8The Tower You can see the Tower of London, one of

the most interesting places from the river Thames. The Tower

is very old. In the past it was a prison, a palace and the king Zoo. Now it is a treasure house. Now let’s go to Madame Tussaud’s
The Tower  You can see the Tower of London, one of the most interesting places from

Слайд 9Madame Tussaud’s It is one of the sights of London. It’s

the famous waxworks museum which has one of the largest

collections of wax models in the world. You can meet great characters of history and art. Here actors, film stars, pop singers, and sportsmen come face to face with famous politicians. There is a special place for the Queen’s family.
Madame Tussaud’s  It is one of the sights of London. It’s the famous waxworks museum which

Слайд 10Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city is a

major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation

centre of Russia. It was founded in 1147 by Yury Dolgoruky.


Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial,

Слайд 11The Kremlin is the historical and political heart оf Moscow

and the city's most famous sight. It is situated in

the center of Moscow. It is the oldest part of the city. The Kremlin is a magnificent architectural ensemble with its towers, golden-domed cathedrals and ancient palaces. Now it serves as the official residence of the President of Russia.

The Kremlin

The Kremlin is the historical and political heart оf Moscow and the city's most famous sight. It

Слайд 12Red Square is the heart of Moscow. It is the

place for important historical events and festivals. It is also

the place of museums and cathedrals.

Red Square

Red Square is the heart of Moscow. It is the place for important historical events and festivals.

Слайд 13The Mausoleum was built in 1930. It is situated in

Red Square. The Mausoleum serves as the current resting place

of Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin`s Mausoleum

The Mausoleum was built in 1930. It is situated in Red Square. The Mausoleum serves as the

Слайд 14St. Basil's Cathedral is unique creation of Russian architecture. It

is of great historical significance. It is the masterpiece of

Russian architecture of the 16th century.

St. Basil`s Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral is unique creation of Russian architecture. It is of great historical significance. It is

Слайд 15 The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the

main religious attraction of Moscow. it is the tallest Orthodox

church in the world.

The Cathedral of Christ Savior

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the main religious attraction of Moscow. it is

Слайд 16Moscow State University is the oldest in Russia. The University

is the largest university in Russia and was founded in


Moscow State University

Moscow State University is the oldest in Russia. The University is the largest university in Russia and

Слайд 17Poklonnaya Hill is one of the highest spots in Moscow.

A lot of people, young and old, are fond of

coming here and have a rest.

Poklonnaya Hill

Poklonnaya Hill is one of the highest spots in Moscow. A lot of people, young and old,

Слайд 18Ostankino Tower is a free-standing television and radio tower in

Moscow, Russia. Standing 540 metres tall, Ostankino was designed by

Nikolai Nikitin in 1967. Ostankino Tower is the tallest tower in Europe. Besides technical services, there is a sightseeing platform and a three-level restaurant «The Seventh Sky».

Ostankino Tower

Ostankino Tower is a free-standing television and radio tower in Moscow, Russia. Standing 540 metres tall, Ostankino

Слайд 19The Bolshoi theatre
The Bolshoi Theatre is the leading music theatre.

It has made a great contribution to the progress of

national music and to the development of the Russian ballet and opera.
The Bolshoi theatreThe Bolshoi Theatre is the leading music theatre. It has made a great contribution to

Слайд 20Pushkin monument
Pushkin monument is installed in Pushkinskaya Square. The monument

was founded and opened by Ivan Turgenev and Fyodor Dostoyevsky

in 1880. It was the first monument to a poet in Russia. The monument is in the center of Moscow, and this is the place where poetry-lovers arrange improvised concerts.

Pushkin monumentPushkin monument is installed in Pushkinskaya Square. The monument was founded and opened by Ivan Turgenev

Слайд 21The Moscow metro
The Moscow Metro was opened in 1935. It

was the first underground railway system in the Soviet Union.

Moscow underground is without doubt, the best in the world. It connects the centre of the city with all its districts.It’s the most convenient means of transport.
The Moscow metroThe Moscow Metro was opened in 1935. It was the first underground railway system in

Слайд 22Arbat street
This street attracts tourists’ attention from all over the

world. A lot of people like to come here and

have a rest.
Arbat streetThis street attracts tourists’ attention from all over the world. A lot of people like to

Слайд 23 FOR



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