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Health care in Russia

There are 2 types of health services in Russia.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Health care in Russia.

Health care in Russia.

Слайд 2There are 2 types of health services in Russia.

There are 2 types of health services in Russia.

Слайд 3The first is a social service.

The first is a social service.

Слайд 4In Russia it is free of charge.

In Russia it is free of charge.

Слайд 5Social health services are accessible to the majority of the


Social health services are accessible to the majority of the population.

Слайд 6Social security is organized by the state.

Social security is organized by the state.

Слайд 7But it is of satisfactory quality.

But it is of satisfactory quality.

Слайд 8Because the state spends not enough money.

Because the state spends not enough money.

Слайд 9Public hospitals suffer from the shortage of skilled doctors,old equipment

Public hospitals suffer from the shortage of skilled doctors,old equipment

Слайд 10If you do not wish to stand in a queue,

go to private clinics.

If you do not wish to stand in a queue, go to private clinics.

Слайд 11Private health services are of high quality.

Private health services are of high quality.

Слайд 12In most private clinics you will not see queues.

In most private clinics you will not see queues.

Слайд 13There you will be well cured.

There you will be well cured.

Слайд 14In private clinics the best doctors work, the equipment is

the best.

In private clinics the best doctors work, the equipment is the best.

Слайд 15But the price in such health services is high.

But the price in such health services is high.

Слайд 16You should pay absolutely for all: for diagnostics, consultation, treatment

and other services.

You should pay absolutely for all: for diagnostics, consultation, treatment and other services.

Слайд 17Some private clinics deceive their patients.

Some private clinics  deceive their patients.

Слайд 18They put uncorrect diagnoses, and appoint wrong treatment.

They put uncorrect diagnoses, and appoint wrong treatment.

Слайд 19Today the majority of people choose free of charge social

medical service.

Today the majority of people choose free of charge social medical service.

Слайд 20Private medical service is chosen only by rich people.

Private medical service is chosen only by rich people.

Слайд 21Each type of medical service has good and bad points,

and which one to choose is up to you.

Each type of medical service has good and bad points, and which one to choose is up

Слайд 22AUTHOR

Galiev Ruslan 11th grade school №40 Naberezhnye Chelny teacher Kozina

Maria Alexandrovna

AUTHOR Galiev Ruslan  11th grade school №40  Naberezhnye Chelny  teacher Kozina Maria Alexandrovna

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