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Originally, hippies opposed to the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, and promoted the yearning to go back to the natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous

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Слайд 1Hippie


Слайд 2Originally, hippies opposed to the Puritan morality of some Protestant

churches, and promoted the yearning to go back to the

natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous hippie slogans: "Make love, not war!"

Hippies believed that:
people ought to be free;
freedom can be achieved only by modifying the inside story of the soul;
actions are defined by the human tendency of easy-going internally to preserve their freedom as the greatest jewel;
beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of a purely spiritual problem;
all who share the above form a spiritual community;
spiritual community is an ideal form of dormitories;
all who think differently are misguided.

Originally, hippies opposed to the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, and promoted the yearning to go

Слайд 3Fashion
As "flower children", a hippie love

all natural. Natural materials, minimum clothes, maximum bright colors. Perhaps,

this style can be called the most years and welcome from all. Hippie wear simple t-shirts, it's best not to new and "old stocks". For them there should be logos of famous companies: hippies opposed to big corporations. Welcome the presence on the t-shirt of a typical print, icon, "Pacific", similar to an upside down chicken foot.
Hippie style also can be attributed to leather or denim vests. It is desirable that they, too, were not new.
Hippie clothes color used the brightest, acid. Because the history of subcultures are sufficiently closely linked to the drug class of psychedelics. Concentric circles of all colors of the Rainbow and irregularly shaped, weird patterns-all this is quite characteristic attribute of the hippies.
On his feet are a hippie plain bright flip-flops, sneakers, sandals or even go barefoot.
Fashion    As

Слайд 4Hippie hairstyles
Most hippies, both male and female, wear

long loose hair. Sometimes they make a funny lush hairstyles.

Sometimes the hippies make dreadlocks.
Hippie hairstyles   Most hippies, both male and female, wear long loose hair. Sometimes they make

Слайд 5Style
The most common accessory-baubles, crafted by hand

from all sorts of materials: beads, threads, leather etc. Such

hippies gave each other bracelets as a sign of friendship, love and sympathy.
Hippies often use fresh flowers to decorate the hair, because flowers are one of the favorite characters.
In addition to the colors in your hair you can weave colored ribbon, make bundles of hair, criss-crossing strands of FLOSS, beads, strings of beads.
On the head the representatives are not style caps and hats and small fabric bandages. Sometimes the role of dressing hippie can perform delicate braided cord.
Hippies also wear pendants in the shape of a Yin-Yang symbols, patches with the same icons, beads. Hippie jewelry almost never expensive, mostly natural materials like wood or fruit of plants.
Style    The most common accessory-baubles, crafted by hand from all sorts of materials: beads,

Слайд 6Music
Music hippies first was rock 'n' roll, which

was supplemented with psychedelic music. For the peculiar life of

hippie music was an important element. It united, helped find like-minded people wore "spiritual" message. It is therefore not surprising that the hippie festivals considered massive.
Music   Music hippies first was rock 'n' roll, which was supplemented with psychedelic music. For

Слайд 7Hippy peace-loving culture
They advocated for world peace

Hippy peace-loving cultureThey advocated for world peace

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