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Holidays in Russia and Great Britain 5 класс

Christmas is the most important festival of the year. It is the birthday of Jesus Christ.Christmas in Great Britain Sophia Lazareva

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Слайд 1

Holidays in Russia and Great Britain
Презентация учеников 5 класса

Димитриевской школы. 2010 г.

Holidays in Russia and Great Britain Презентация учеников 5 класса Димитриевской школы. 2010 г.

Слайд 2Christmas is the most important festival of the year. It

is the birthday of Jesus Christ.
Christmas in Great Britain

Christmas is the most important festival of the year. It is the birthday of Jesus Christ.Christmas in

Слайд 3Christmas English words
Poinsettias – пуансеттия

Hang branches – развешивать ветки
Mistletoe –


Front door – парадная дверь
A wreath - венок

Christmas English wordsPoinsettias – пуансеттияHang branches – развешивать веткиMistletoe – омелаFront door – парадная дверьA wreath -

Слайд 4Christmas decorations in Britain and the USA
Many people decorate

their home for
Christmas. Most people buy
Christmas trees and
decorate them with

toys, coloured
balls and little coloured
Christmas decorations in Britain and the USA Many people decorate their home forChristmas. Most people buyChristmas trees

Слайд 5Poinsettias
Some people also buy plants with bright, red
leaves called poinsettias.

PoinsettiasSome people also buy plants with bright, redleaves called poinsettias.

Слайд 6Mistletoe
People also hang branches of mistletoe above their doors.
There is

a tradition of kissing someone under the mistletoe.

MistletoePeople also hang branches of mistletoe above their doors.There is a tradition of kissing someone under the

Слайд 7Wreath
Some people in Great Britain and the USA
decorate their

front doors with a wreath.

WreathSome people in Great Britain and the USA decorate their front doors with a wreath.

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