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How is the weather in....?

Date 14, 2010 Unit Nine Step TwoThe Theme : “How is the weather in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 The English lesson

Class 5

The English lesson HOW IS THE WEATHER IN...?      Class

Слайд 2

Date 14, 2010 Unit Nine

Step Two

The Theme : “How is the weather in … ?”
The Aim of the Lesson:
1) Introduction of the new structure on the
theme and enrich the pupils’ word stock.
2) to develop the pupils’ reading, speaking
and writing habits , oral speech.
The Type: Mixed lesson
Methods of teaching: pair work, description, dialogue.
Visual Aids: slides, interactive board


Слайд 3Procedure of the lesson
Organization moment
Warm –up.
Language game.
Presentation of

the new structure.
Talk to your partner.
Giving the home task

Marks for the lesson.

Procedure of the lesson Organization moment Warm –up.Language game.Presentation of the new structure. Talk to your partner.Giving

Слайд 4Warm-up. Do you know? Today you know about beautiful buildings and

Where do you live? I live …..............
Look at

the map. Point to Astana.

What’s near Astana? The….Mountains are near it

Warm-up. Do you know? Today you know about beautiful buildings and cities.Where do you live?

Слайд 5.What would you like to see in Astana?
I’d like

to see…………,…………,…….. .
What is Astana? Astana is the

capital of Kazakhstan.

.What would you like to see in Astana? I’d like to see…………,…………,…….. .What is Astana?

Слайд 6Language game World Geography

Match these words and names

The ………………Sea

The ……Mountains

The………………River The …………..lake

The ………………Desert The ……… Forest

Alakol Zhaik Kapchagai Zayliyskiy Alatau

Ertis Karatau Caspian Balkash

Ile Sarysu Aral Karakum
Language game  World Geography      Match these words and namesThe ………………Sea

Слайд 7Listening and speaking. Open the books

on page 144
Where’s the Ile river ?

It’s in the South Kazakhstan.
Where’s the Zhaik river? It’s in the West Kazakhstan.
C o u n t r i e s
Mongolia India England the United States
Kazakhstan Canada Uzbekistan China

Where’s Mongolia? It’s in Central Asia
Where are ……………….Mountains ?
They are………………… (in South Kazakhstan)

Listening and speaking.   Open the books  Ex.3 on page 144  Where’s the Ile

Слайд 8Presentation. “How is the weather in…?”
Listen and practice.

How is the weather ? It’s snowing. It’s raining

It’s sunny. It’s cloudy. It’s windy
Presentation. “How is the weather in…?” Listen and practice. How is the weather ?  It’s snowing.

Слайд 9Vocabulary: sunny raining windy snowing cloudy
Hot warm cold wet dry

Vocabulary: sunny raining windy snowing cloudyHot warm cold wet dry

Слайд 10Talk to your partner.
Open the books. Let’s do

ex. 7 on page145

Giving the home task. Ex 8.12,13

Write. My interview.
Conclusion of the lesson

Talk to your partner.  Open the books. Let’s do ex. 7 on page145 Giving the home

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