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The Tunguska mystery 7 класс

What happened on 30 June, 1908 in Siberia?1часть.mp4

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 29» города

Березники Пермского края
Презентация к уроку
«The Tunguska mystery»
(Unit 8 Lesson 4

New Millennium English 7)

Рассмотрено на заседании ШМО учителей иностранного языка 06.03.2014

Разработчик: учитель английского языка
Морозова Марина Александровна

Березники, 2014

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 29»  города Березники Пермского краяПрезентация к уроку«The Tunguska

Слайд 2What happened on 30 June, 1908 in Siberia?

What happened on 30 June, 1908 in Siberia?1часть.mp4

Слайд 3The Tunguska mystery

The Tunguska mystery

Слайд 4Read the first story (pg.105 ex. 2a)
On 30

June, 1908, a huge fireball crossed the night sky and

then exploded.
The explosion happened in Siberia, in Russia, in a place called Tunguska. It was very strong. Forty thousand trees in the region of the river Podkamennaya Tunguska were burned and hundreds of animals were killed. Shock waves from the explosion were detected in different places around the world: in England, Germany and America.
Since the explosion people in northern Siberia still watch glowing silver clouds in the night sky.
In London you can easily read newspaper at
night. White nights are reported from other
places in the British Isles and in Europe.

Read the first story (pg.105 ex. 2a)  On 30 June, 1908, a huge fireball crossed the

Слайд 5Answer the questions:
What happened?
What did the

witnesses see?

Answer the questions: What happened? When? Where? What did the witnesses see?

Слайд 6Read the second story (pg.105 ex. 2a)
Leonid Kulik

is the first Soviet scientist who visited Tunguska. He saw

more than a hundred kilometers of burnt trees there. Kulik and his team looked for a crater and a piece of asteroid or meteorite, but found nothing. In the village they found some witnesses who remembered a fireball in the sky, a loud noise and then an explosion.

2 часть.mp4

Read the second story (pg.105 ex. 2a)		  Leonid Kulik is the first Soviet 			scientist who 	visited

Слайд 7Answer the questions:
Who investigated it first?



Answer the questions: Who investigated it first? When? How?

Слайд 8What do you think exploded in Tunguska?
a meteorite
a spaceship

another planet
a comet

What do you think exploded in Tunguska?a meteoritea spaceship from another planetora comet

Слайд 9Public speech
The plan of answer:

1. We decided (sure), that the

cause of catastrophe in Tunguska was a________.

2. We think so,

because ___________________.

a meteorite

a comet

a spaceship from
another planet

3 часть.mp4

4 часть.mp4

Public speechThe plan of answer:1. We decided (sure), that the cause of catastrophe in Tunguska was a________.2.

Слайд 10Self esteem
0 – 5 – try again
6 –

10 – OK
11-15 – well done
16-20 - great

Self esteem 0 – 5 – try again 6 – 10 – OK 11-15 – well done

Слайд 11Feed back
I like/dislike the lesson…
I’ve learnt…I can…

was interested in…
I’d like to learn about…more.
I feel…

Feed back I like/dislike the lesson… I’ve learnt…I can… I was interested in… I’d like to learn

Слайд 12Home work
Page 105, ex. 5

Thank you for your work

Home workPage 105, ex. 5Thank you for your work

Слайд 13В презентации использованы следующие ссылки:
Фильм «Тунгусский метеорит» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXQx-2a0o3M


В презентации использованы следующие ссылки:Фильм «Тунгусский метеорит» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXQx-2a0o3MКартинки http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=тунгусская%20аномалия&http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=тунгусская%20аномалия&stype=image&lr=50&noreask=1&source=wiz

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