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"Художественные промыслы России"

Цели:1- Бережно хранить историческое и культурное наследие нашей страны.2 - Расширять лексический запас обучающихся.3 – Прививать интерес и желание передать знания о промыслах России другим народам.4 – Развивать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Folk handicrafts of Russia

Folk handicrafts of Russia

Слайд 2Цели:
1- Бережно хранить историческое и культурное наследие нашей страны.
2 -

Расширять лексический запас обучающихся.
3 – Прививать интерес и желание передать

знания о промыслах России другим народам.
4 – Развивать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся.
Цели:1- Бережно хранить историческое и культурное наследие нашей страны.2 - Расширять лексический запас обучающихся.3 – Прививать интерес

Слайд 3Folk art crafts of Russia
Folk art crafts of Russia -

an integral part of the national culture. In them embodies

the centuries-old experience of aesthetic perception of the world toward the future, stored deep artistic traditions, which reflect originality of cultures of the multinational Russian Federation.
Folk art crafts of RussiaFolk art crafts of Russia - an integral part of the national culture.

Слайд 5Gzhel is one of the traditional Russian centers of production

of the ceramics

Gzhel is one of the traditional Russian centers of production of the ceramics

Слайд 6Saratov accordion - a local variety of the Russian accordion,

is characterized by the fact that it has bells. Saratov

accordion is also a peculiar timbre and a greater force of sound.
Saratov accordion - a local variety of the Russian accordion, is characterized by the fact that it

Слайд 7Saratov bellows were made гармонными artels in Saratov. The first

гармонная workshop in the city was opened by Nikolai Геннадьевичем

Корелиным in 1870 at Nikolskaya street (now Radischev street).
Saratov bellows were made гармонными artels in Saratov. The first гармонная workshop in the city was opened

Слайд 9 PALEHSKYA MINIATURE view of the people's of the Russian miniature

painting with tempera on lacquer articles made of papier-mache (boxes,

jewelry boxes, cigarette cases). Originated in 1923 in the village of Palekh, Ivanovo region on the basis of the icon-painting of the fishery. For the Palekh miniatures are characteristic of the household, literature, folklore, historical subjects, bright local paint on a black background, a thin smooth figure, the abundance of gold, elegant elongated figures.
PALEHSKYA MINIATURE view of the people's of the Russian miniature painting with tempera

Слайд 10Gorodets


Слайд 11 Gorodets painting - Russian folk art fishing. Exists since the

middle of the XIX century, at the town of Gorodets.

Bright, neat Gorodets painting (genre scenes, the figures of horses, cocks, floral patterns), made smear free with white and black graphics stroke, were spinning wheels,furniture, shutters, doors.
Gorodets painting - Russian folk art fishing. Exists since the middle of the XIX century,

Слайд 12Zhostovo


Слайд 13The main theme decorations жостовских trays this bouquets of flowers,

garlands, unique still lifes

The main theme decorations жостовских trays this bouquets of flowers, garlands, unique still lifes

Слайд 14Khokhloma


Слайд 15Khokhloma - old Russian folk craft, which was born in

the XVII century in the district of Nizhniy Novgorod.

Khokhloma represents a decorative painting wooden utensils and furniture, executed gold and red colour on a black background.
Khokhloma - old Russian folk craft, which was born in the XVII century in the district of

Слайд 16Dymkovskaya toy

Dymkovskaya toy

Слайд 17Dymkovskaya toy - one of the most ancient crafts of

Russia, which exists in Vyatka more than four hundred years.

The occurrence of toys associated with the spring holiday Свистунья, to which the female population of the Dymkovo лепило clay whistles in the form of horses, sheep, goats, ducks.
Dymkovskaya toy - one of the most ancient crafts of Russia, which exists in Vyatka more than

Слайд 18Fedoskinskya miniatura

Fedoskinskya miniatura

Слайд 19Fedoskinskya miniature view of the traditional Russian lacquer miniature painting

oil painting on papier-mache, established in the late XVIII century

in the village of Fedoskino.
Fedoskinskya miniature view of the traditional Russian lacquer miniature painting oil painting on papier-mache, established in the

Слайд 20Vologda lace

Vologda lace

Слайд 21Vologda lace - view of the Russian lace, twisted on

коклюшках (wooden sticks); distributed in the Vologda region.

Vologda lace - view of the Russian lace, twisted on коклюшках (wooden sticks); distributed in the Vologda

Слайд 22Samovar is a device for boiling water, and tea. Initially,

the water was heated internal combustion chamber, which represents a

high pipe, fill wood coals.
Samovar is a device for boiling water, and tea. Initially, the water was heated internal combustion chamber,

Слайд 23History of samovar closely connected with the history of Russia,

Russian life. In a relatively short historical time samovar managed

to become an essential part in the life of any Russian.
History of samovar closely connected with the history of Russia, Russian life. In a relatively short historical



Слайд 25 Matryoshka (from the pet name «Matryona») - Russian wooden toy

in the form of a painted doll in which there

are such dolls of a smaller size. Number of nested dolls usually between three and more. They almost always have овоидную («яйцеподобную») shape with a flat-Donets and consists of two parts - upper and lower. Traditionally depicted a woman in a red dress and yellow handkerchief[
Matryoshka (from the pet name «Matryona») - Russian wooden toy in the form of



Слайд 27PAVLOVO-POSAD PRINTED SCARVES - woolen and semi-woolen shawls decorated with

traditional colorful printed ornaments, which have arisen in the Moscow

suburban town of Pavlovsky Posad in 1860-80-ies.
PAVLOVO-POSAD PRINTED SCARVES - woolen and semi-woolen shawls decorated with traditional colorful printed ornaments, which have arisen

Слайд 28The inimitable art crafts of Russia are loved and widely

known not only in our country, their known and highly

estimated abroad, they have become symbols of Russian culture, contribution of Russia in the world cultural heritage.
The inimitable art crafts of Russia are loved and widely known not only in our country, their

Слайд 29Работу выполнила учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ с. Сокур»
Петриченко З.Н.

Работу выполнила учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ с. Сокур»Петриченко З.Н.2013 г.

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