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I know three languages and all about their countries

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Plan of the out-of-class action

Theme: I know three languages and all about their countries.
Aim: To check the pupils’ knowledge about three countries( Kazakhstan, Great Britain ,
Russia )
Visual aids: maps ,state symbols, flags, national costumes, posters, albums.

I Organization moment: a) Representing the groups.
b)Greeting to each other in three languages.
c) Introduction with rules of the game
II Warm up: The teacher:“ Hello dear Ladies and Gentlemen ! You are welcome to our party
dedicated to the Day of languages. As Joseph Brodsky had said:
“ Language is a door between the worlds. Speaking the language
we penetrate the cultural treasury inherited from the past and
try to add a trace of our own.”
Our president Nursultan Nazarbayev leads a policy of
integration, collaboration and he appeals to everybody with the
proposals to learn three languages-Kazakh , Russian and English, to
respect customs and traditions of each country and to take care of
our common home- the planet Earth ”

Слайд 2

III Presentation:

Each group tells about their country:

The group from Kazakhstan .
We live in Kazakhstan. It is the most beautiful , richest and
largest country. It borders on Russia in the north, on Mongolia in
the east, on China in the south-east, on Kyrgyzstan and
Uzbekistan in the south. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.
Kazakhstan is washed by the Caspian sea in the west. Our country
has a very beautiful flag and blazon. The flag is blue, with a hawk
painted under the sun on it. On blazon you can see shanyrak-
symbol of friendship –supported by two horses. Also we have
own hymn and money-tenge. Our president is Nazarbayev.

There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The largest lake is Balkhash. The main
rivers– the Irtysh, the Ural, the Ishym, the Tobol , the Esil.
Kazakhstan is rich in national resources such as coal, iron , oil, different colored metals.
Kazakhstan is a great agricultural region.
Kazakh national food is tasty and various: besbarmak, kuurdak, zhent, baursak,;drinks:
kumyz, shubat.
We have Baiconour spacepot. Our first cosmonaut is T.Aubakirov.

Слайд 3

The group from Russia

Russia is the biggest country in the world, it is situated on two
continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals form is a natural border
between the continents. Russia is a very rich country. The capital
of Russia is Moscow .There are many mountains , rivers, lakes
and forests in our country. The Volga river is the longest.
The Russian symbol is the national flag. The flag has three
stripes on it. The stripes are white , blue, and red. These colors
have been symbolic in Russia: White-noble and sincere, blue-
honest and devoted to the friends, family and the country. The red

color- have always meant bravery and love. The other symbol of Russia is the birch tree.
The president of our country is Putin. Russian national food are pelmeni, vareniki , Russian
gingerbread. Our first cosmonaut is Yuri Gagarin.

Слайд 4

The group from Great Britain

The United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland is
made of England, Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland. The
UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean,The Irish and North seas.
The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. The main rivers
are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the UK is London.
It is one of the biggest ports of the world.The total population of
Great Britain is about 60 million people. The flag of the UK is
known as the “ Union Jack”.It is made of three crosses the cross
of St.George, the cross of St. Andrew , the cross of St. Patrick.
Each country has its symbols: the symbol of England is the red
rose, the symbol of Scotland is the thistle, the symbol of Ireland is the shamrock , the symbol
of Wales is the daffodil.
The Queen is the symbol of Great Britain, officially the Prime Minister rules the country.
The national British food are cereal, fried potatoes and chips, stakes and some other.

Слайд 5 IV Practice:

a) The task of the first round: There

are signs with Kazakhstan,
Russia , Great Britain
on them on the blackboard. Under the
signs there are the cells with the
numbers from 1 till 10( questions) .
Each group answers the questions
concerning two other teams on their
languages For the correct answer 10
For example: Kazakhstan- Great Britain and Russia
Russia- Kazakhstan and Great Britain
Great Britain-Kazakhstan and Russia
IV Practice:      a) The task of the first

Слайд 6

Questions to the groups











Слайд 7Kazakhstan:

b) The task of

the second round: Famous People. Each team tells about their famous people,
but they don’t say their names. The other two teams must
guess who these persons are. Each team can tell about five
famous person. For the correct answer 5 points.

Ол 15 тамызда 1930 жылы дүниеге келген. Ол қазақтың атақты композиторы, халық
әртісі. 300 ден көп өлеңдердің әнін жазған. Оны «Қазақ вальсінің падишасы »деп

Бұл адам 6 шілдеде 1940 жылы туылған. Жас кезінде металург болып жұмыс жасаған.
Қазіргі таңда оның үш қызы, 7 немересі бар. Еліміздің ең беделі жоғары адам.

Ол 1972 жылы Актобе облысында туылған. Ол атақты спортшы. 2000 жылы Сиднейде
өткен жазғы олимпиадада бірінші орын алып ,елімізге алтын медалімен оралған.

Ол қазақ балалар әдебиетінің атасы, ұстаз.Ол 1841 жылы Қостанай облысында дүниеге
келген. 1850 жылы 23 тамызда орыс-қазақ мектебі ашылып , сол жерде оқиды.
1864 жылы осы адамның көмегімен ең бірінші мектеп ашылды.

Ол VIII-IX ғасырларда ғұмыр кешкен оғыз-қыпшқ тайпаларының ұлы ойшылы,
алдағы күнді болжаған көріпкелі және шебер күйшісі болған. Оның жазған күйлері:
«Башпай», « Тарғыл тана », «Қоңыр»

Kazakhstan:               b) The

Слайд 8 Russia:

Он родился 6 июня 1799 года. Один из выдающихся писателей России. Он вложил
немалый труд в развитии русской литературы. Его произведения: « Евгений
Онегин », « Руслан и Людмила »,« Капитанская дочь »

Он выдающийся русский учёный, химик, физик, метеоролог . Он родился 8 февраля
1834 году. Этот человек является создателем периодической системы химических

Этот человек является « Примадонной » Российской эстрады.
Её песни стали хитами и звучат по всему миру . Она основала свой театр.
Одна из её песен « Арлекино »

Народный артист России. Актёр и певец. Играл главные роли в фильмах
«Д’Артаньян и три мушкетёра », « Два сына»

Он русский выдающийся композитор. Родился в 1840 году

в Воткинске. Он с раннего детства увлекался музыкой. Его мать пела ему красивые
песни и учила играть на пианино. Из-за бедноты он очень поздно закончил
Петербургскую консерваторию. Он написал музыку на оперы « Щелкунчик»
« Лебединое озеро», « Спящая красавица »


Слайд 9

Great Britain:

He was an English king. He was strong and brave. He could
pull out a sword from a stone when he was a boy. His nickname
was “…-Lion’s heart

She was born in England in September 1890 .She was a famous English
woman , who wrote detective stories.

These four young men were a popular English group. They sang in 70-th.
They came from Liverpool and soon became famous all over the world.
Their songs “ Yesterday ”, “ Girl ”, “ Yellow submarine ” became hits.

He was a novelist. He used his novels to identify and address

many problems of the nineteenth century. Some of his most
popular novels include “ David Copperfield ”, “ Oliver Twist ”,
“ A Tale of Two Cities”

He is a famous English and American actor , singer, musician. He was born
in England, in 1987. He became famous after such films as “Harry Potter ”,
“ Twilight ”

Great Britain:

Слайд 10

c) The task of the third round: Kazakh, Russian and English proverbs. The teacher in turn tells to each group the beginning or the end of a proverb. Each team has to continue them. For each correct answer 15 points.

Аузы күйген....
Жылтырағанын ....
Басы қатты болса....
Соңғы күлкі....
Өз үйім....

....тон келте болмас.
....кеш жақсы.
.... –өңбек жоқ.
....үйдей пәледен құтылады.
.... атылған оқпен бірдей.

үрлеп ішеді.
бәрі алтын емес.
аяғы тәтті болады.
оңды күлкі.
өлең төсегім.

Кеңесіп пішкен...
Айтылған сөз...

Слайд 11

Что мучит….
Не всё то золото….
Добрый конец….
Хорошо смеётся тот….
В гостях хорошо....

....а две головы лучше.
.... чем никогда.
.... нет плода.
....тот не грешит.
....вылетит не поймаешь.

то и учит.
что блестит.
всему делу венец.
кто смеётся последним.
а дома лучше.

Одна голова хорошо....
Лучше поздно....
Без труда....
Кто молчит....
Слово не воробей....

Слайд 12

Adversity ….

All is…
All is well….
He laughs best….
East or west….

….than one.
….than never.
….no pains.
….catches no flies.
….then speak.

is a great schoolmaster.
not gold that glitters
that ends well.
who laughs last.
home is best.

Two heads are better…
Better late….
No pains….
A close mouth….
First think….

Adversity ….

Слайд 13

V Production: a) At the end of the competition each of teams sing the song in language of that country.

Kazakhstan : 1 Күн әлемі ,көк әлемі,
Суреті ол жас баланың
Ақ қағазға салған ізі,
Жазылған бар бір сөзі.
Әрқашан күн сөнбесін.
Аспаннан бұлт төнбесін
Қасында болсын мамам!
Болайын мен де аман!

Russia: 2 Милый мой друг, добрый мой друг, Людям так хочется мира.
И в тридцать пять сердце опять Не устает повторять:
Пусть всегда будет солнце, Пусть всегда будет небо, Пусть всегда будет мама, Пусть всегда буду я.
Пусть всегда будет солнце, Пусть всегда будет небо, Пусть всегда будет мама, Пусть всегда буду я.

Great Britain 3 Soldier lad, stay! Hear what we say - War would make all of us losers. Peace is our prize, Millions of eyes Anxiously gaze at the skies. 
Chorus(twice):  May there always be sunshine, May there always be blue skies, May there always be mommy, May there always be me! 

Слайд 14

b) The wishes. The children write wishes on three languages and
hang up on the board.
VI Conclusion: In the conclusion the teacher sums up the results of competition
and declares the winner.

Thank you for your attention!

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