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Изучение английского языка


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Слайд 1К В Н
«Изучение английского языка»
Learning of English language
Учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ № 27 г. Владикавказ
Трофимова Е. А, Попович В.

К В Н«Изучение английского языка»Learning of English languageУчитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 27 г. ВладикавказТрофимова Е.



Слайд 32 конкурс: РАЗМИНКА
American English doesn’t differ from English spoken in

Great Britain.
It is false. American English – speaking countries differs

from English spoken in Great Britain.
2 конкурс: РАЗМИНКАAmerican English doesn’t differ from English spoken in Great Britain.It is false. American English –

Слайд 4There are two English speaking countries in the world.
It is

false. There are not two English speaking countries in the

There are two English speaking countries in the world.It is false. There are not two English speaking

Слайд 5English has taken the position of the international language.
It is

true. English has taken the position of the international language.

English has taken the position of the international language.It is true. English has taken the position of

Слайд 6There are many words from the other languages in English.

is true. Here are many words from the other languages

in English.
There are many words from the other languages in English.It is true. Here are many words from

Слайд 7English is the official language of the Olympics.
It is true.

English is the official language of the Olympics

English is the official language of the Olympics.It is true. English is the official language of the

Слайд 8A person can learn one foreign language.
It is false. A

person can learn several foreign languages.

A person can learn one foreign language.It is false. A person can learn several foreign languages.

Слайд 9There are 31 letters in the English alphabet.
It is false.

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

There are 31 letters in the English alphabet.It is false. There are 26 letters in the English

Слайд 10Some words came to Russian from English.
It is true. Some

words came to Russian from English.

Some words came to Russian from English.It is true. Some words came to Russian from English.

Слайд 11English is one of the most popular foreign languages in

It is true. English is the most popular foreign languages

in Russia.
English is one of the most popular foreign languages in Russia.It is true. English is the most

Слайд 12People who speak English have worse job opportunities.
It is false.

People who speak English have better job opportunities.

People who speak English have worse job opportunities.It is false. People who speak English have better job

Слайд 13Третий конкурс.
Вопросы и ответы.

Третий конкурс.Вопросы и ответы.

Слайд 14Ask you friends what they do to master the English

language and then keep and brush it up.

Ask you friends what they do to master the English language and then keep and brush it

Слайд 154 конкурс: Конкурс капитанов
Васьков Михаил
Алборова Алина

4 конкурс:  Конкурс капитановВаськов МихаилАлборова Алина

Слайд 16Сanada - Ottawa

Сanada - Ottawa

Слайд 17India - Deli

India - Deli

Слайд 18Japan - Tokio

Japan - Tokio

Слайд 19Australia - Canberra

Australia - Canberra

Слайд 20Spain - Madrid

Spain - Madrid

Слайд 21Egypt - Cairo

Egypt - Cairo

Слайд 22France - Paris

France - Paris

Слайд 23Vietnam - Hanoi

Vietnam - Hanoi

Слайд 24China - Peking

China - Peking

Слайд 25Great Britain - London

Great Britain - London

Слайд 26Пятый конкурс.

Пятый конкурс.Скороговорки

Слайд 27How many cans can a canner can
if a canner

can can cans?
A canner can can as many cans

as a canner can if a canner can can cans.
How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can

Слайд 28A fly and flea flew into a flue,
said the

fly to the flea 'what shall we do?'
'let us

fly' said the flea said the fly 'shall we flee‘
so they flew through a flaw in the flue.
A fly and flea flew into a flue, said the fly to the flea 'what shall we

Слайд 29Шестой конкурс.
Домашнее задание.

Шестой конкурс.Домашнее задание.

Слайд 30За внимание

За внимание

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