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К 80-летию мультипликации. Страницы истории

On the 80th anniversary of the cartoon.Pages of history

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Слайд 1К 80-летию мультипликации.
Страницы истории

К 80-летию мультипликации.Страницы истории

Слайд 2On the 80th anniversary of the cartoon.
Pages of history

On the 80th anniversary of the cartoon.Pages of history

Слайд 4The animation (from the Latin "multiplication".) is a form of

art, which is based on a lively cinematic way drawing

or sculpture. Despite the fact that the animation is considered a branch of the film industry since its inception is an interesting trend can also be attributed to successful painting and graphics. The talent of the artist, plus the technical possibilities - and the light is born art, which does not leave indifferent neither kids nor adults.
The animation (from the Latin

Слайд 5Joseph Plateau

Joseph Plateau

Слайд 6The roots of the emergence of animation associated with stroboscope

- optical toy, invented by Belgian inventor Joseph Plateau in

1932. The principle of this device was simple - on the edge of the circle was applied cyclical pattern. For example, running horse, which depicted several times in different stages of the movement. When you rotate a circle pattern merged, and there is the illusion of a moving object.

The roots of the emergence of animation associated with stroboscope - optical toy, invented by Belgian inventor

Слайд 7

Emile Reynaud

Слайд 8The first real multiplier is considered to be the Frenchman

Emile Reynaud. He created praxinoscope unit, which consisted of a

spinning reel, a system of mirrors and lamp. In 1892, Raynaud has launched a unique attraction - optical theater. There he showed the audience the comic scenes lasting 15-20 minutes. This happened a few years before the famous premiere of the Lumiere brothers, that is, the animation became known to the French, even earlier than the movies.
The first real multiplier is considered to be the Frenchman Emile Reynaud. He created praxinoscope unit, which

Слайд 9Émile Cohl
Émile Cohl

Émile Cohl Émile Cohl

Слайд 10Further development of the animation, as well as cinema, held

in France. Émile Cohl - another good director and artist,

began his work with the actors' performances. In 1908 he created the first animated films. They reminded draw comics, but in motion. Émile Cohl drew thousands of drawings to spice things up. He sought to achieve realistic, imitating real objects, and even used the photo. His legacy modern cartoonists feel valuable.
Further development of the animation, as well as cinema, held in France. Émile Cohl - another good

Слайд 11

Vladislav Starevich

Слайд 12In 1912, our compatriot Vladislav Starevich created the first puppet

cartoon titled "Beautiful Lyukanida or war stag and barbel." This

figure was famous for his love of insects. He took a lot of movies dedicated to them, and they looked on the screen is very natural. Vladislav Starevich - a subtle psychologist and a talented artist. He cared not only about the visual side of the cartoons, but also filled them with deep meaning.
In 1912, our compatriot Vladislav Starevich created the first puppet cartoon titled

Слайд 16Walt Disney

Walt Disney

Слайд 17 Europe's film was shot almost artisanal way, in America,

everything was much better with a technical base. Here and

there was Walt Disney, who in 1929 made his first hand-drawn cartoon with music "The Skeleton Dance".

Disney is considered to be the father of animation, his work deserves a separate story, because only the award "Oscar" it received 30 times. His experience as a basis for taking today.

Europe's film was shot almost artisanal way, in America, everything was much better with a technical

Слайд 19C 1946 года располагается по адресу: С127006, Россия, г. Москва,

ул. Долгоруковская, дом 25 (в здании Церкви святого Николая Чудотворца)

C 1946 года располагается по адресу: С127006, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Долгоруковская, дом 25 (в здании Церкви святого Николая

Слайд 20«Союзмультфильм»
Союзмультфи́льм» — крупнейшая советская и российская государственная киностудия мультипликационных фильмов, основанная в Москве 10 июня 1936 года и действующая по настоящее

Полное наименование юридического лица — Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие “Творческое производственное объединение

„Киностудия «Союзмультфильм»“” (ФГУП “ТПО „Киностудия «Союзмультфильм»“”)
Является одним из учредителей Ассоциации анимационного кино России.
С 1946 года располагается по адресу: 127006, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Долгоруковская, дом 25 (в здании Церкви святого Николая Чудотворца).
За восемьдесят лет существования киностудии на ней создано более полутора тысяч мультфильмов в самых разных жанрах и художественных техниках, многие из которых вошли в «Золотой фонд» мировой анимационной классики и получили более четырёхсот международных фестивальных призов и наград.
«Союзмультфильм»Союзмультфи́льм» — крупнейшая советская и российская государственная киностудия мультипликационных фильмов, основанная в Москве 10 июня 1936 года и действующая по настоящее время.Полное наименование юридического лица — Федеральное государственное унитарное

Слайд 21Soyuzmultfilm "- the largest Soviet and Russian state-owned film studio

of animated films, based in Moscow, June 10, 1936 and

valid to the present.
The full name of the legal entity - the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Creative Production Association" film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" "" (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TPO" studio "Soyuzmultfilm", "")
It is one of the founders of the Association of Russian animated films.
Since 1946, located at the address: 127006, Russia, Moscow, ul. Dolgorukovskaya, Building 25 (in the Church of St. Nicholas the building).
Over eighty years studio created more than a thousand cartoons in various genres and artistic techniques, many of which were included in the "Golden Fund" of the world of animation classics and received over four hundred international festival prizes and awards.

Слайд 22https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D1%8E%D0%B7%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC


Слайд 24

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Thank you for attention !

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