Слайд 2“Позитивті доп”
“Positive ball”
Слайд 3“ Фильм жанрлары”
“Genres of films”
Слайд 4My favourite film is …
The film is about ….
The roles
are played by
Слайд 5. Explane the new theme:
Pupils owr
new theme is Step three. Films. Today we are speaking
about the different types of films such as comedy, fantasy, horror and etc. Also we are talking about your favourite actor or actresses and doing exercises connected with these new theme.
Pupils and what type of films do you like?
New words:
Слайд 6
And now pupils you are
making five sentences using the new words.
Exercise 1. Talk to
your partner.
a. Do you like going to the cinema?
b. What do you prefer, going to the cinema or watching films on TV?
c. Who is your favourite actor?
d. What do you know about him/her?
e. What is your favourite film? Why?
Слайд 8“Себеттегі сөздер”
“Words are in a basket”
Слайд 101. Do you like to watch films?
2. Where do
you like to watch them on TV
or you like
to go to the cinema?
3. With whom do you prefer to watch films
with your parents or with your friends?
4. How many films do you watch a week ?
Слайд 11“Ойлан, жұптас, талқыла”
Слайд 14“Do you know?”
D/exy year, the American Academy
of Motion Pictures presents
Слайд 15Exercise 6. Complete the following diagram.
Слайд 16. Guess the crossword. You most find ten names of
the popular films in the world and three names of
the popular stars.
п а р а ғ ы
Оқушының аты-жөні: _____________________________ Күні ____________
Слайд 19VI. Home task: How pupils, let’s take our home
task exercise 4. You must find the phrases in the
Thank you for you good work at lessons. Your marks are good and excellent.
VII. Marking:
The lesson is over,
Goodbye, pupils!