Разделы презентаций

Living in a global village 11 класс

Look at the pictures and say what countries/ cultures you associate the everyday objects with.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Living in a global village
1 урок из цикла Globalization в

11 классе по курсу М.З Биболетовой
Автор: учитель МБОУ «СОШ с.Степановка

Переволоцкого района» Ярыгина Т.А.
Living in a global village1 урок из цикла Globalization в 11 классе по курсу М.З БиболетовойАвтор: учитель

Слайд 2Look at the pictures and say what countries/ cultures you

associate the everyday objects with.

Look at the pictures and say what countries/ cultures you associate the everyday objects with.

Слайд 3Answer the questions
Work in pairs. Guess the answers to the

1. How fast is the world`s population growing?
2. What per

cent of the world`s population lives in the cities?
3. How many people travel by airplane?
4. Are some parts of the world cut off from the Internet?

Answer the questionsWork in pairs. Guess the answers to the questions.1. How fast is the world`s population

Слайд 4World focus: words to describe changes
Divide the words from the

list into two categories:
- __________________________________+
Decrease, grow, reinforce, deteriorate, improve, rise,

develop, increase, strengthen, fall, lessen.
World focus: words to describe changesDivide the words from the list into two categories:- __________________________________+Decrease, grow, reinforce,

Слайд 5Fill in the gaps with the proper word forms. Ex.48

The number of people studying languages has … significantly. (

2. The educational programme was stopped because of the … of interest among students.
3. Experts predict a … in migration. (rise)
4. Everything should be done to … the situation. (improvement)
Fill in the gaps with the proper word forms. Ex.481. The number of people studying languages has

Слайд 6Использованные ссылки

Использованные ссылкиhttp://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/e/3/7/5/highres_19438229.jpeghttp://ok-t.ru/studopedianame/baza6/6097342486460.files/image366.jpghttps://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=eab54fe2e374db9b28885e997dad92c2&n=33&h=190&w=280http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/100106-HP-touchsmart-hmed-2p.jpghttp://www.lookpictures.net/photos/registered_photos/6615-lamborghini-lp-700-4-aventador-front.jpghttp://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/multimedia/archive/00018/70384683_chips_18685c.jpghttp://www.sushikrai.ru/uploads/menu/78_1_big.jpghttps://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=2fb7500af4917deeee0b9fb161cfa6f4&n=33&h=190&w=254https://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=8f4c99c752793a2c9d016adf2a86935b&n=33&h=190&w=209http://real-info.info/media/k2/items/cache/4b1e9289e4d1a5382400fa2ba50bfd59_XL.jpghttp://media-ssl.nextmedia.com/media-images-586/media/268882704318464/original.jpghttp://www.occupy.com/sites/default/files/field/image/globalization_by_guille3691.png

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