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Looking good, feeling good

It goes without saying that everybody wants to keep fit, in other

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Слайд 1Looking good, feeling good

Looking good, feeling good

Слайд 2

It goes without saying that everybody

wants to keep fit, in other words, to look
good and to feel good. What are the
reasons for it?
First of all you should be in good shape to cope with all kinds of stressful situations in our hectic world if you want to make a career and be successful.
Besides researches say that well-presented people get the best out of life because they provoke
( cause) innate respect in others.

It goes without saying that everybody

Слайд 3

What is it to feel

The main thing is to be healthy. For if you are ill, you can’t think of anything else, you don’t need anything.
be full of energy
be in a good mood
be satisfied with your looks

What is

Слайд 4

How to achieve this feeling?

( In order to be… you should…)
have/get enough sleep; sleep enough; get a good night’s rest; not cut down on one’s sleep; not burn the candle at both sides
stick to a diet; have a balanced diet; eat low fat food; drink not less than 2 liters a day; not overeat; not eat too many sweet things eat …in moderation; lose weight if you
need to
take a deep breath to get more oxygen into
your lungs (preferably in the fresh air)
How to achieve this feeling?

Слайд 5

How to achieve this feeling?

( In order to be… you should…)
raise energy; keep active; do exercises / get some exercise; find excuses for mini-exercise opportunities wherever you can; work out ( in a gym); go in for sports
go for a pleasant stroll; have a brisk walk
In a good mood
be a success; be successful
enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy
laugh more ( laughter has a similar effect to
physical exercise, makes our facial and stomach muscles work and stimulate the immune system)
If you feel tired, tight, upset, talk to someone to get it off your chest!

How to achieve this feeling?

Слайд 6

What is it to look good?
appearance ( look

after yourself; not age one’s skin; do one’s … the world of good; keep fit; be in good shape; learn how to apply make-up properly; have one’s hair cut/done properly)
clothes ( be sensible about what suits you; be comfortable but stylish; not depend on fashion too much; wear clothes which can improve one’s looks)
your way of communicating with

What is it to look good?

Слайд 7

You should also be able to…

reduce stress
weather stressful periods well
prevent stress building up in the future
build longer-term preventative measures into one’s life
protect oneself from too much

You should also be able to…


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