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Maslenitsa or Pancake Week 5 класс

Pancakes - блиныSnow fights – сражения в снежки Competitions – соревнованияAsk each other’s pardon - просить прощения друг у друга

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Maslenitsa or Pancake Week

Anton Kolesov

Maslenitsa or Pancake WeekAnton Kolesov

Слайд 2
Pancakes - блины
Snow fights – сражения в снежки

– соревнования
Ask each other’s pardon - просить прощения друг у

Pancakes - блиныSnow fights – сражения в снежки Competitions – соревнованияAsk each other’s pardon - просить прощения

Слайд 3When does Maslenitsa usually begin?
Maslenitsa is usually in February or

at the beginning of March.

When does Maslenitsa usually begin?Maslenitsa is usually in February or at the beginning of March.

Слайд 4Children have a lot of fun!!!

Children have a lot of fun!!!

Слайд 5What do people make?
People make pancakes that are different in

size and eat pancakes each day of the week!

What do people make?People make pancakes that are different in size and eat pancakes each day of

Слайд 6There are snow fights, different games and competitions outdoors.

There are snow fights, different games and competitions outdoors.

Слайд 7There is a very important tradition on the last Sunday

before Lent – on that day people ask each other’s


There is a very important tradition on the last Sunday before Lent –  on that day

Слайд 9What happens after Maslenitsa?
There is a Lent after Maslenitsa.

What happens after Maslenitsa?There is a Lent after Maslenitsa.

Слайд 11
Give up - отказаться
Pray - молиться
Confess - исповедоваться
Take Holy Communion

- причащаться

Give up - отказатьсяPray - молитьсяConfess - исповедоватьсяTake Holy Communion - причащаться

Слайд 12Lent usually begins in February or at the beginning of

When does Lent usually begin?

Lent usually begins in February or at the beginning of March.When does Lent usually begin?

Слайд 13It is forty days long
Christians cannot eat meat, butter, cheese

and even fish.

It is forty days longChristians cannot eat meat, butter, cheese and even fish.

Слайд 14During Lent Christmas pray, often go to church, confess and

take Holy Communion.

During Lent Christmas pray, often go to church, confess and take Holy Communion.

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