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It’s a wonderful country and town we live in The Russian Federation 8 класс

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Слайд 1It’s a wonderful country and town we live in

It’s a wonderful country and town  we live in

Слайд 2The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation

Слайд 3The Double-Headed Eagle
The double-headed eagle is the emblem of Russia.

Above the heads there are three crowns. You can see

St George on the breast of the eagle.
The Double-Headed EagleThe double-headed eagle is the emblem of Russia. Above the heads there are three crowns.

Слайд 4The Russian Flag
The Russian flag first appeared in 1668. It

reappeared as the modern flag in 1991. The flag has

three wide stripes on it. White is faithful and sincere, blue is honest and loyal, red is brave.
The Russian FlagThe Russian flag first appeared in 1668. It reappeared as the modern flag in 1991.

Слайд 5The President of the Russian Federation


Vladimir Vladimirovich

The President  of the Russian Federation    Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Слайд 6Hello! Our names are Olga, Slava, Alena, Dima, Dasha, Dasha,

Zhenya, Albina. We are from 8b.
We’d like to tell you

about our country Russia and our town we live in.
The full name of the country is the Russian Federation.
We live in Penza.

We are from Russia

Hello! Our names are Olga, Slava, Alena, Dima, Dasha, Dasha, Zhenya, Albina. We are from 8b.We’d like

Слайд 7It lies both in Europe and Asia. Its area is

more than 17 075 sq. kilometers. Russia is the largest

country in the world. Its population is 145,600 million people.

The Russian Federation

It lies both in Europe and Asia. Its area is more than 17 075 sq. kilometers. Russia

Слайд 8In Russia people speak more than 200 different languages, but

Russian is the official language for everyone.

In Russia people speak more than 200 different languages, but Russian is the official language for everyone.

Слайд 9The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the biggest

city in the country and one of the biggest cities

in the world.


The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the biggest city in the country and one of

Слайд 10The hart of Moscow is Red Square. It got its

name in the 17th century. In old Russian the word

red means beautiful.

Red Square

The hart of Moscow is Red Square. It got its name in the 17th century. In old

Слайд 11To the left there is the Spasskaya Tower, the tallest

of the Kremlin towers. The tower is famous for its

clock, the Kremlin clock, made in the 16th century.

Spasskaya Tower

To the left there is the Spasskaya Tower, the tallest of the Kremlin towers. The tower is

Слайд 12The most famous building in Red Square is St Basil’s


St Basil’s Cathedral

The most famous building in Red Square is St Basil’s Cathedral.St Basil’s Cathedral

Слайд 13
Next to the Cathedral there is a monument to citizen

Minin and Prince Pozharsky. They were heroes in the war

against Poland in 1612.

A monument to citizen Minin
and Prince Pozharsky

Next to the Cathedral there is a monument to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. They were heroes

Слайд 14
There are many big cities
in Russia:
St. Petersburg

There are many big cities in Russia:St. Petersburg

Слайд 15Rostov-Na-Donu


Слайд 16


Слайд 17Novosibirsk


Слайд 18 Russia is famous for its severe climate. Winters

are cold, windy, snowy and frosty. The winter temperatures are

from 1 to 50 degrees below zero.

Summers are dry and hot.


Russia is famous for its severe climate. Winters are cold, windy, snowy and frosty. The

Слайд 19Penza

We'd like to tell you a few words about our

native town Penza. It is an old town. Its history

dates back to the middle of the 17th century. It was founded in 1663 as a fortress to protect the south-eastern lands of Russia.
PenzaWe'd like to tell you a few words about our native town Penza. It is an old

Слайд 20The coat of arms of the Penza Region
The coat of arms

of the Penza Region is a heraldic shield, which color

is green.
The coat of arms of the Penza Region The coat of arms of the Penza Region is a

Слайд 21The flag of the Penza Region
In the center on the

yellow (golden) field the symbolic image of Saviour Nerukotvorny is

The flag of the Penza Region In the center on the yellow (golden) field the symbolic image

Слайд 22In present days Penza is a large industrial, scientific and

cultural centre with the population of over 500 thousand inhabitants.

Penza is a centre of education. Its universities, institutes, colleges and vocational schools attract thousands
of young people who want to specialize in different spheres of technology, the sciences and the arts.

In present days Penza is a large industrial, scientific and cultural centre with the population of over

Слайд 23There are many places of interest in our city.

Savitsky Picture Gallery
The Museum of One Picture

There are many places of interest in our city. The Savitsky Picture Gallery The Museum of One

Слайд 24Penza is full of parks and green spaces. Belinsky Park

is the largest park in our town and one of

the favourite places of children and grown-ups.
Penza is full of parks and green spaces. Belinsky Park is the largest park in our town

Слайд 25Many monuments are erected in our town.

Many monuments are erected in our town.

Слайд 26From day to day Penza becomes more and more beautiful.

We are proud of our native-town. We like Penza.

Our country is famous for well-known people, places of interest, beautiful nature. The Russian say that “Mother Nature never has bad weather”
We agree with this proverb.
We love our country. We believe it will become one of the most powerful countries in the world. Best wishes, 8b
From day to day Penza becomes more and more beautiful. We are proud of our native-town. We

Слайд 27Thank for your attention

Thank for your attention

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