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На уроке Игорь задал вопрос: зачем нужна королева Великобритании? Завязался спор. Мнения разделились. Монархия - это традиция и символ объединенной нации!Это анахронизм и пережиток прошлого!

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Слайд 1 Is the Monarchy in the UNITED KINGDOM an Anachronism?


работа по английскому языку и страноведению
Учитель английского языка
Дремлюгина С.В.

№5 г.Симферополь

Is the Monarchy in the UNITED KINGDOM    an Anachronism? Исследовательская работа по

Слайд 2На уроке Игорь задал вопрос: зачем нужна королева Великобритании? Завязался спор.

Мнения разделились.
Монархия - это традиция и символ объединенной

Это анахронизм
и пережиток прошлого!
На уроке Игорь задал вопрос:  зачем нужна королева Великобритании? Завязался спор. Мнения разделились.  Монархия -

Слайд 3We decided to know:
What is monarchy?
How many monarchies around the

world are there today?
Is the Queen the real Head of

What is the Queen’s real power?
We decided to know:What is monarchy?How many monarchies around the world are there today?Is the Queen the

Слайд 4From the history of the monarchy
Monarchy is a form

of government in which supreme power is absolutely or nominally

belong to an individual, who is the head of state.
Queen Elizabeth II
is directly descended from King Egbert, who united England under his rule in 829.
The only interruption in the history of the monarchy was the republic, which lasted from 1649 to 1660.
From the history of the monarchyMonarchy  is a form of government in which supreme power is

Слайд 5How many monarchies around the world are there today?
There are

currently 46:
22 hereditary monarchies, constitutional and absolute;
7 semi-hereditary, partially elected;

monarchies (QE II as Queen);
2 elected monarchies: Andorra, and Vatican.

What is the Commonwealth of Nations?
It is the union of independent countries,
the former British colonies, where
governors usually represent the Queen.

How many monarchies around the world are there today?There are currently 46:22 hereditary monarchies, constitutional and absolute;7

Слайд 6Current Commonwealth realms

Current Commonwealth realms

Слайд 7The Queen is the Head of State
The Queen Elizabeth the

Second is the 14th monarch since William the Conqueror, and

the great-great-granddaughter of the famous Queen Victoria.

The Queen's title in Britain is
'Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith'.

The Queen is the Head of StateThe Queen Elizabeth the Second is the 14th monarch since William

Слайд 8Some facts from the biography
The Queen Elizabeth the Second was

born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926 in Mayfair, London.

She was the first child of The Duke and Duchess of York, who later became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
She became Queen at the age of 25.

Some facts from the biographyThe Queen Elizabeth the Second was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926

Слайд 9Princess Elizabeth
The Princess was christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in

the private chapel at Buckingham Palace.
She was named after her

mother, while her two middle names are those of her paternal great-grandmother, Queen Alexandra, and paternal grandmother, Queen Mary.
Princess Elizabeth The Princess was christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace.She was

Слайд 10The Private Life of Elizabeth II
On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth

married Philip Mountbatten, duke of Edinburgh, the former Prince Philip

of Greece, at Westminster Abbey in London.
She has four children and eight grandchildren.
The Private Life of Elizabeth IIOn November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten, duke of Edinburgh, the

Слайд 11The Royal Family Tree
Prince Charles,1948

Princess Anne,1950
Prince Andrew,1960
Prince Edward,1964
Prince William


Peter Phillips
Zara Phillips
Princess Beatrice
Lady Louise Windsor
James, Viscount

The Royal Family TreePrince Charles,1948 Princess Anne,1950Prince Andrew,1960Prince Edward,1964Prince WilliamPrince Henry Peter PhillipsZara PhillipsPrincess Beatrice Princess EugenieLady

Слайд 12Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch.


was built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703.
Queen Victoria

was the first monarch to live there.
When the Queen is in residence the palace is closed to the public.
During the two months (August and September),
the doors are opened to the public.
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch.It was built for the Duke of

Слайд 13The Queen is a part of Parliament :

The Queen is a part of Parliament :

Слайд 14Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth the Second
is Commander in

Chief of all British forces;
is the only person with the

power and the authority to:
-declare war;
-dissolve Parliament;
-dismiss the Prime Minister;
-appoint a new Prime Minister.
Her Majesty  the Queen Elizabeth the Second is Commander in Chief of all British forces;is the

Слайд 15 Our Conclusions:
The Queen Elizabeth the Second is the most

powerful monarch of any democracy in the world.
Monarchy is a

symbol of unity and tradition in the United Kingdom.
Monarchy helps to preserve some of the older culture that seems to be being lost over most of Europe and in the world.
Monarchy is the bases of political independence and neutrality of the head of state.
Monarchy is also attracts tourists to the Great Britain.

God save the Queen!
Our Conclusions:The Queen Elizabeth the Second is the most powerful monarch of any democracy in the

Слайд 16What is your opinion on monarchy?

What is your opinion on monarchy?

Слайд 17Над проектом работали
Ученики 10-х классов:
Барановская Мария
Османова Севиля
Анохина Ольга
Бакуш Анастасия
Головцов Игорь

английского языка Дремлюгина Светлана Викторовна

Над проектом работалиУченики 10-х классов:Барановская МарияОсманова СевиляАнохина ОльгаБакуш АнастасияГоловцов ИгорьУчитель английского языка Дремлюгина Светлана Викторовна



РЕСУРСЫhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdomhttp://www.biography.com/http://www.imdb.com/name/ http://www.infoplease.com/ http://www.britainexpress.com/royals/queen.htm

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