Разделы презентаций

Months ашық сабақ

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Welcome
to our lesson

Welcome to our lesson

Слайд 2HELLO!!!


Слайд 3White
1 group
3 group
2 group

White1 groupGreen3 group2 groupBlue

Слайд 4This is the season
When fruit is sweet,
This is the season

school friends meet.
This is the season
When children ski
And Grandfather

Brings the New Year tree.


This is the seasonWhen fruit is sweet,This is the seasonWhen school friends meet. AutumnThis is the seasonWhen

Слайд 5This is the season
When birds make their nests,
This is the

We all like best.
This is the season
When vegetables grow,
I come

to the garden
And make water flow.


This is the seasonWhen birds make their nests,This is the seasonWe all like best.SpringThis is the seasonWhen

Слайд 6Seasons
and months

Seasons and months

Слайд 8Doing exercises

Doing exercises

Слайд 9Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white

Spring is greenSummer is brightAutumn is yellowWinter is white

Слайд 10The game «Puzzle»

The game «Puzzle»

Слайд 11Match the words from the columns.
Independence day
Kazakh New Year

Mother’s Day
Constitution Day
First Presidents Day
on the

30th August.
on the 22nd of March.
on the 1st of December. on the 16th of December on the 8th of March.


Match the words from the columns.Independence day Kazakh New Year Mother’s Day Constitution Day First Presidents Day

Слайд 12Find the names of the months

Find the names of the months

Слайд 13Complete the months

Complete the months

Слайд 14Funny Worm

Funny Worm



Слайд 16Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!

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