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The Tretyakov GalleryThe State Tretyakov Gallery is an art gallery in Moscow, Russia, the foremost depository of Russian fine art in the world.The gallery's history starts in 1856 when the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov acquired works by Russian artists of his day with

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Слайд 1

Слайд 15The Tretyakov Gallery
The State Tretyakov Gallery is an art gallery in Moscow, Russia, the

foremost depository of Russian fine art in the world.
The gallery's history starts in

1856 when the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov acquired works by Russian artists of his day with the aim of creating a collection, which might later grow into a museum of national art. In 1892, Tretyakov presented his already famous collection to the Russian nation.
The façade of the gallery building was designed by the painter Viktor Vasnetsov in a peculiar Russian fairy-tale style. It was built in 1902–04 to the south from the Moscow Kremlin. During the 20th century, the gallery expanded to several neighboring buildings, including the 17th-century church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi.
The collection contains more than 130,000 exhibits, ranging from Theotokos of Vladimir and Andrei Rublev's Trinity to the monumental Composition VII by Wassily Kandinsky and the Black Square by Kazimir Malevich.
In 1977 the Gallery kept a significant part of the George Costakis collection.

The Tretyakov GalleryThe State Tretyakov Gallery is an art gallery in Moscow, Russia, the foremost depository of Russian fine art in the world.The gallery's

Слайд 18Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian: Моско́вский госуда́рственный университе́т и́мени

М. В. Ломоно́сова, Moskóvskiy gosudárstvennyy universitét ímeni M. V. Lomonósova), previously

known as Lomonosov University or MSU (Russian: университе́т Ломоно́сова, Universitét Lomonósova; Russian: МГУ, MGU), is the largest university in Russia. Founded in 1755, it is the oldest university in Russia and has the tallest educational building in the world. Its current rector is Viktor Sadovnichiy. In 1940, the university was renamed in honor of its founder, Mikhail Lomonosov. Currently the university employs more than 4,000 academic staff and 15,000 other staff members. There are about 5,000 researchers engaged in various research activities in its various institutes and departments. More than 40,000 undergraduates and 7,000 postgraduates are currently enrolled in the university and more than 5,000 specialists are participating in their refresher courses for career enhancement purposes. There are around 2,000 overseas students in the university.
Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityLomonosov Moscow State University (Russian: Моско́вский госуда́рственный университе́т и́мени М. В. Ломоно́сова, Moskóvskiy gosudárstvennyy universitét ímeni M.

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