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My favorite artist is Edgar Degas

He was a French painter, impressionist.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My favorite artist is
Edgar Degas

My favorite artist isEdgar Degas

Слайд 2He was a French painter, impressionist.

He was a French painter, impressionist.

Слайд 3Degas was born into a family that came from an

aristocratic family.
The Millinery Shop

Degas was born into a family that came from an aristocratic family. The Millinery Shop

Слайд 4Desire to paint near Degas began to
manifest in childhood.

Desire to paint near Degas began to manifest in childhood.

Слайд 5Already in the beginning of his long creative way Degas

was an artist who, like joking, just selecting a picture,

you can stop working on it.

"Program for an Artistic Soiree"

Already in the beginning of his long creative way Degas was an artist who, like joking, just

Слайд 6Many paintings by Degas devoted
ballet, horse racing.
Before the Race


Many paintings by Degas devoted ballet, horse racing.Before the RaceBlue dancer

Слайд 7See ballerina - say Degas.
Degas say - you see

a ballerina.
The Dance Class
Dancer with a Bouquet of Flowers

Dancers at The Bar

See ballerina - say Degas. Degas say - you see a ballerina.The Dance Class Dancer with a

Слайд 86673 Degas - asteroid
named after the artist.

6673 Degas - asteroid named after the artist.

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