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"Job interview" (9 класс)


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Слайд 1President of Kazakhstan Republic Nursultan Nazarbaev Abishuly’s Trilingualism strategy

President of Kazakhstan Republic Nursultan Nazarbaev Abishuly’s Trilingualism strategywww.ZHARAR.com

Слайд 2Brainstoming


Слайд 3President Nursultan Nazarbayev has called Kazakhstan citizens to learn three

languages - Kazakh, Russian and English. 
"Knowledge of three languages should

become a standard practice for us.
We are teaching (these languages to) our children starting from their first year at school," he said.
Nazarbayev emphasized that all the Kazakhstan citizens should strive to know their national language. 
"Kazakhstan has to know its official language – the Kazakh language.
The Russian language is the language of our big neighbor and one of the six UN languages. 
"We need the English language to enter the global arena.
Every language is wealth for a person,” the President said. 
The science, all the new developments and information - they are all in English nowadays,” said the President
Foreign companies in Kazakhstan and the local citizens needed English to communicate with them.
. That is why I am talking about trilingualism," he said. 
President’s strategy about trilingualism is for 2011-2020 years.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev has called Kazakhstan citizens to learn three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English. 

Слайд 4The twenty first of December.
Job Interview

The twenty first of December.Job Interview

Слайд 5Assessment


Слайд 6Presentation
Ex2 p107
Put the cards in correct order

PresentationEx2 p107Put the cards in correct order

Слайд 7The Manager
Sanzhar’s Sports Club
75 Green Avenue

June 11,2011
Dear sir or Madam
I am writing to apply for the sports club receptionist at your sports club which was advertised on TV programme last Monday.
I consider myself to be reliable and hard-working. If necessary I can supply a reference from a teacher at my school.
I would be thankful for the opportunity to visit the sports club and discuss my application with you in person. I am available for interview any day after school.
I am enclosing my CV.
I look forward to hearing from you soon, yours sincerely

Anna Brown
The Manager Sanzhar’s Sports Club75 Green AvenueHastings

Слайд 8New words

New words

Слайд 9Game it’s my chair.

Game it’s my chair.

Слайд 10Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 11Writing
Ex 3 p 107

WritingEx 3 p 107

Слайд 12Listening


Слайд 13reading


Слайд 14Assessment


Слайд 15hometask
Ex10 p110
Guess the nouns formed from the verbs given
Ex11 p110

the compound word with the definition

hometaskEx10 p110Guess the nouns formed from the verbs givenEx11 p110Match the compound word with the definition

Слайд 16Reflection


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