Разделы презентаций

National holidays 6 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1National holidays

National holidays



Слайд 4Chak-chak is the national dish

Chak-chak is the national dish

Слайд 6Horse racing

Horse racing

Слайд 7Sack beating

Sack beating

Слайд 8Pots crashing

Pots crashing

Слайд 9Race in sack

Race in sack

Слайд 10Pillar- climbing

Pillar- climbing

Слайд 11Race with a yoke and two buckets

Race with a yoke and two buckets

Слайд 12Wrestling is the main competition of Sabantuy

Wrestling is the main competition of Sabantuy

Слайд 13The main present is a ram.

The main present is a ram.

Слайд 14Match the words with their equivalents in Russian.
Horse racing

Pots crashing
Race in sack
Pillar climbing
Race with a yoke and two

Take part
Match the words with their equivalents in Russian. Horse racingSack beatingPots crashingRace in sackPillar climbingRace with a

Слайд 15Horse racing- скачки
Sack beating- битва с мешком на перекладине
Pots crashing-

разбивание горшка
Race in sack- бег с мешком
Pillar climbing- подъем на

Race with a yoke and two buckets- бег с ведрами на коромысле
Towels- полотенца
Winner- победитель
Take part- принимать участие

Check your answers

Horse racing- скачкиSack beating- битва с мешком на перекладинеPots crashing- разбивание горшкаRace in sack- бег с мешкомPillar

Слайд 16Put the words under the correct group.
Popular, become, a festival,

national, a towel, dance, a present, take place, wear, a

horse, the greatest, use, a prize, traditional, race, a ram, take part, a hero, compete, a maydan, expensive, a winner
Put the words under the correct group.Popular, become, a festival, national, a towel, dance, a present, take

Слайд 17Check your answers

Check your answers

Слайд 18

Make up sentences describing these pictures

Make up sentences describing these pictures123145544667899

Слайд 19Read the text and fill in the correct word.
Listen and

check your answers.
- Read again and mark the sentences,

Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say.
1. Sabantuy is an annual festival.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
2. It is always in spring.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
3. The bayan is a traditional instrument.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
4. The best workers of the field are awarded on the maydan.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
5. Boxing is the main competition of that day.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
6. People have to buy tickets to visit this festival.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

Read the text and fill in the correct word.Listen and check your answers.-  Read again and

Слайд 20

What do visitors see and do on Sabantuy?
Make notes

and prepare a one- minute radio commentary for it.

Present to the class.
What do visitors see and do on Sabantuy? Make notes and prepare a one- minute radio commentary

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