Разделы презентаций

Некоторые факты о США

Area: 9.519.000 square kilometres

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Some facts about the USA

Some facts about the USA

Слайд 2Area: 9.519.000
square kilometres

Area: 9.519.000 square kilometres

Слайд 3The population is around
315 million people

The population is around 315 million people

Слайд 4The Capital City is

The Capital City is Washington

Слайд 5
Largest Cities:
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San

Diego, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix, San Antonio

Largest Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix, San Antonio

Слайд 6Summer Temperature:
From +22°С to +28°С

Summer Temperature:From +22°С to +28°С

Слайд 7Winter Temperature:
From -10°С to -31°С

Winter Temperature:From -10°С to -31°С

Слайд 8Rainfall: 380 tо 1000 мм

Rainfall: 380 tо 1000 мм

Слайд 9Well-know people:

Well-know people:

Слайд 10Albert Einstein -

One of the
founders of

Theoretical Physics

Albert Einstein - Альберт Эйнштейн (1879-1955)One of the founders of Theoretical Physics

Слайд 11Golden Gate
In San Francisco

Golden Gate In San Francisco

Слайд 12Iconic bridge and one of
the most beautiful
masterpieces of

engineering in the state
of California.
It is located in

San Francisco Bay and
connects the two peninsulas
Iconic bridge and one of the most beautiful masterpieces of engineering in the state of California. It

Слайд 13

The End

The End

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