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New Zealand - the Country of Long White Clouds

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Слайд 1New Zealand- the Country of Long White Clouds

Performed by: Alexeyenko


New Zealand- the Country of Long White CloudsPerformed by: Alexeyenko Yuliya

Слайд 2 Flag

Coat of arms

New Zealand


Слайд 3New Zealand is an island country in the southwest Pacific

Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large land group called


Area is 269 000 square kilometers.
Population is 4,6 million people

New Zealand is an island country in the southwest Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large

Слайд 4 Wellington – capital of New Zealand
The geothermal pond

is a spectacular natural marvel, formed 900 years ago. The

water temperature is about 73 °C (163 °F). The surroundings look like a different planet.


Wellington – capital of New Zealand       The

Слайд 5Auckland – the largest city in New Zealand
Kelly Tarlton’s Sea

Life Aquarium is a public aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand that was opened in

It was the brainchild of New Zealand marine archeologist and diver Kelly Tarlton (1937–1985).
Auckland – the largest city in New ZealandKelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium is a public aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand that

Слайд 6The official languages of New Zealand are English and Maori

and coins of New Zealand

The official languages of New Zealand are English and MaoriBanknotes and coins of New Zealand

Слайд 7New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state

is Queen Elizabeth II
Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in

1852, when it was a British colony.
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II Britain gave

Слайд 8Mountain peaks of New Zealand
Lush rainforests, sweeping coastlines, steaming volcanoes,

huge mountain chains and incredible fiords - New Zealand's stunningly

beautiful landscape is unparalleled. Though small in size, there are numerous natural wonders that find home.
Mountain peaks of New ZealandLush rainforests, sweeping coastlines, steaming volcanoes, huge mountain chains and incredible fiords -

Слайд 9The chief rivers in New Zealand
The Waikato River is the

region's and one of New Zealand's largest, flowing from the

Volcanic Plateau through the Waikato Basin and into the Tasman Sea. 

The Wairau River is one of the longest rivers in New Zealand's South Island. It flows for 170 kilometers (110 m) from the Spenser Mountains (a northern range of the Southern Alps), firstly in a northwards direction and then northeast down a long, straight valley in inland Marlborough.

The chief rivers in New ZealandThe Waikato River is the region's and one of New Zealand's largest,

Слайд 10Unusual symbol of New Zealand
The kiwi is rather unusual bird

found only in New Zealand. It has no tail, almost

no wings and nostrils are situated near the end of its bill. Its egg is about 1/5 of its own weight. This is a tremendous size.
Unusual symbol of New ZealandThe kiwi is rather unusual bird found only in New Zealand. It has

Слайд 11New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living

in the world. New Zealand – the Country of Long

White Clouds
New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world.  New Zealand –

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