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Слайд 1clogs
a shoe made of wood with a leather top that

covers the front of your foot but not your heel

type of plain formal shoe worn by women

court shoe [pumps]


clogsa shoe made of wood with a leather top that covers the front of your foot but

Слайд 2Doc Martens

Doc Martens

Слайд 3flip-flops
open summer shoes, usually made of rubber, with a V-shaped

band across the front to hold your feet
a type of

shoe that covers the bottom of your foot, with a strap that goes between your toes to hold it on your foot as you walk

thong [AmE]

flip-flopsopen summer shoes, usually made of rubber, with a V-shaped band across the front to hold your

Слайд 4mules
a woman's shoe or slipper that covers the front part of

the foot but has no material around the heel
slippers /

western boot mules
mulesa woman's shoe or	slipper that covers the front part of the foot but has no material around

Слайд 5peep toe
a woman's shoe that is open at the

back and has a narrow band going around the heel



peep toe sling-backsa woman's shoe that is open at the back and has a narrow band going

Слайд 6slip-ons
shoes that do not have a fastening

slip-onsshoes that do not have a fastening

Слайд 7wedges
shoes worn by women, with high heels that are a

solid block from the front of the shoe to the


wedge heels

wedgesshoes worn by women, with high heels that are a solid block from the front of the

Слайд 8stilettos
a woman's shoe that has a very high thin heel

type of plain formal shoe worn by women
stiletto heels

stilettosa woman's shoe that has a very high thin heela type of plain formal shoe worn by

Слайд 9wellies
a rubber boot that stops your foot getting wet
wellington boots

welliesa rubber boot that stops your foot getting wetwellington boots


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