Разделы презентаций

Our Solar System 5-6 класс

-These people travel in space. - It’s long and thin and carries astronauts. - A big ship that travels around in space.- We can see this at night time from Earth.-

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Our Solar System

Our Solar System

Слайд 3-These people travel in space.
- It’s long and thin

and carries astronauts.
- A big ship that travels around

in space.
- We can see this at night time from Earth.
- They shine in the night sky.

-These people travel in space. - It’s long and thin and carries astronauts. - A big ship

Слайд 4-It gives us light and keeps us warm.
- The Earth

is one of them.
- These are large planets that are

not made of rock or other solid material.
- It is used to drive around the moon or Mars.


-It gives us light and keeps us warm.- The Earth is one of them.- These are large

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