Разделы презентаций

Past Indefinite Tense

I`ll divide you into 3 groups:Professions 2. Diseases

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The 15th of September Class work

The 15th of September Class work

Слайд 2I`ll divide you into 3 groups:


3. Medicines
I`ll divide you into 3 groups:Professions

Слайд 3Checking up the home task: Ex.13,p.106 There is a conversation between a

doctor and a patient.

Checking up the home task: Ex.13,p.106 There is a conversation between a doctor and a patient.

Слайд 4 The theme of the lesson: Treating a patient

The aims of

the lesson: to enlarge their

vocabulary; to revise Past
Indefinite Tense; to make
them differentiate the
difference between regular
The theme of the lesson: Treating a patientThe aims of the lesson: to enlarge their

Слайд 5Grammar
Past Indefinite Tense

Ved/PII Key words: yesterday,

last week(month,year),
a day ago, a month ago,
in 1999.
She cleaned the carpet. Did she clean the carpet?. She didn`t clean the carpet.

We went to school. Did we go to school? We didn`t go to school.
Grammar    Past Indefinite Tense    Ved/PII   Key words: yesterday,

Слайд 6The strategy «Pictography»
Пиктограмма это знак отображающий важнейшие узнаваемые черты объекта,предмета

и явления, на которые он указывает, чаще всего в схематическом


The strategy «Pictography» Пиктограмма это знак отображающий важнейшие узнаваемые черты объекта,предмета и явления, на которые он указывает,

Слайд 7 The strategy «The researchers of ancient writing»

1. Health

2. Surgeon
3. Diseases
The strategy «The researchers of ancient writing»    1. Health

Слайд 8Criterion estimation
1.Definition of words or word combinations-20balls.
2, Writing of words

3. Making up sentences-30balls.

Criterion estimation1.Definition of words or word combinations-20balls.2, Writing of words correctly-10balls.3. Making up sentences-30balls.

Слайд 9Physical minute

Physical minute

Слайд 10The strategy «Grammar map»

The strategy «Grammar map»

Слайд 11The right answer:

The right answer:

Слайд 12Summing up
1 What should we do if we are

2.When do we go to the dentist`s?
3.Where can

we get medicines?
4.What will you do if you have a sore throat?
5.What will you do if you have a headache?
6.What kind of diseases do you know?
7. What are the symptoms of the flue?
8.Do you want to be a surgeon?
9. What do you want to be?
Summing up 1 What should we do if we are ill? 2.When do we go to the

Слайд 13 Giving the home task: Ex.4, p.107

Giving the home task: Ex.4, p.107

Слайд 14 Your reflections

Your reflections

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