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Презентация для урока английского языка "Russian Cinematography", 11 класс

The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of theLumiere brothers film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later inNizni Novgorod.Motion- picture camera

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Russian Cinematography
Solovyov Sergey. 11 v form
Teacher: Bakaeva I.I.
References: www.fotki.ru

Russian CinematographySolovyov Sergey. 11 v formTeacher: Bakaeva I.I.References: www.fotki.ru

Слайд 2The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration

of the
Lumiere brothers film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg

and Moscow and later in
Nizni Novgorod.

Motion- picture camera

The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of theLumiere brothers film in May 1896

Слайд 3In the 20’s the stars of silent films were V.

Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov.

In the 20’s the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov.

Слайд 4The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films

and screen versions of famous novels, such as Aelita by

A.Tolstoy, and Quiet Flows the Don by M.Sholokhov.
The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films and screen versions of famous novels, such

Слайд 5The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the

USSR, USA and Germany at the end of the 1920’s.

In October 1929 the first sound cinema house started its work.
The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the USSR, USA and Germany at the end

Слайд 6The greatest attention was paid to films for children. One

of the most famous directors is A.Rou, the creator of

fairy tales.


The greatest attention was paid to films for children. One of the most famous directors is A.Rou,

Слайд 7And another famous actor and director whose name is inseparably

linked with children’s films is R.Bykov. Several generation of children

enjoy his films Attention! The Tortoise, and Aibolit 66.
And another famous actor and director whose name is inseparably linked with children’s films is R.Bykov. Several

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