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Презентация для урока английского языка в 7 классе по тее "Благотворительность"

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку по теме «Благотворительность» в 7 классе.

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учебнику Кузовлева В.П.

Презентация к уроку по теме «Благотворительность» в 7 классе.Разработана по учебнику Кузовлева В.П.

Слайд 2What are we going to speak about?

What are we going to speak about?

Слайд 31


Слайд 6Charity
To learn new words
To read texts
To translate texts
To learn new


CharityAimsTo learn new wordsTo read textsTo translate textsTo learn new things

Слайд 7Match the words and translation
to be involved in
to donate
to contribute

to support
to provide with
to make difference
быть вовлечённым в
передавать в дар

делать что-либо важное
делать вклад
Match the words and translationcharityto be involved into donateto contributeto volunteerto supportto provide withto make differenceбыть вовлечённым

Слайд 8What can you do for charity?

What can you do for charity?

Слайд 9I can…
… organize a charity fair
… take part in charity

… be involved in fundraising
… donate money on charity
… pick

up litter in the school playground
… plant trees and flowers

I can…… organize a charity fair… take part in charity run… be involved in fundraising… donate money

Слайд 10
A charity is
A volunteer
Needy people
Lonely people
A donation
A sympathy
is money that

somebody gives to help a person or organization
an organization that

helps poor people
is a person who helps without any money
is the feeling you have when you understand why someone is sad and want to help him/her feel better
are unhappy people because they are alone
are people who have very little food or money
A charity isA volunteerNeedy peopleLonely peopleA donationA sympathyis money that somebody gives to help a person or

Слайд 11

- raise money for different charities.

- donate money for charity.

provide needy people with food money, clothes.

- take part in

charity fundraising.

- clean local parks, streets.

- plant trees and flowers in park, on streets.

- take part in different charity fairs.

What do volunteers do?

- raise money for different charities.- donate money for charity.- provide needy people with food money, clothes.-

Слайд 12What do you think about volunteering?

Volunteering is
a perfect opportunity to

have fun and meet other people.
a good way to try

something new.
a lot of people working together for one thing.
a good way to get money.
a way to find new friends.
a way changing lives for the better.
What do you think about volunteering?Volunteering isa perfect opportunity to have fun and meet other people.a good

Слайд 13
Volunteering is a perfect opportunity to have fun and meet

other people.
It is a good way to try something new.

lot of people working together for one thing
You can find new friends.
Volunteering is a way changing lives for the better.

Volunteering is a perfect opportunity to have fun and meet other people.It is a good way to

Слайд 14
Volunteering is a … opportunity to have …. and ….

other …. .
It is a … way to … something

… .
A lot of …. working …. for … thing.
You …. find new … .
….. is a way ….. lives for the …. .

Volunteering is a … opportunity to have …. and …. other …. .It is a … way

Слайд 15
… is a … opportunity to have …. and ….

other …. .
It … a … way to … something

… .
A … of …. working …. for … thing.
You …. … new … .
….. is a … … lives for the … .

… is a … opportunity to have …. and …. other …. .It … a … way

Слайд 16 We can help by V+ ing We can help by

doing the shopping

                                                  to bring water
                                               to do the shopping
                                               to clean up the house and the garden
                                               to water the kitchen garden
  We can help by                 to repair the things
                                                                        to cook dinner
                                                                        to plant trees and flowers
                                                                        to grow vegetables
                                                                        to saw wood
                                                                        to feed domestic animals
                                                                         to sweep the floor      

We can help by V+ ing  We can help by doing the shopping

Слайд 17Use the worlds to complete the story
difference, reading books, care

for, nursing home, money, supporting, volunteers


nursing home

reading books


care for



Use the worlds to complete the storydifference, reading books, care for, nursing home, money, supporting, volunteersvolunteersnursing homereading

Слайд 18True or false
1. She works at the local nursing home.

2. She helps her father.
3. You become a more caring

person when you help other people.
4. She gets money for her work.
5. She feels good when she makes a differences.
True or false1. She works at the local nursing home. 2. She helps her father.3. You become

Слайд 19If you have a dream
To be kind like a queen

Go for it and act
Do it in fact!

the orphans and needy
Don’t be greedy
Go for it and act
Help the orphans in fact
And if you are in need,
Others will help you indeed.
If you have a dreamTo be kind like a queen Go for it and act Do it

Слайд 20Сегодня на уроке
Я работал(а)…..
Я узнал(а)…..
Я научился (научилась)….

Сегодня на урокеЯ работал(а)…..Я узнал(а)…..Я научился (научилась)….

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