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Презентация “It is a big world. Start travelling now!" 9 класс

Ex.1 Somewhere – куда – нибудь Freeze to death – сильно замёрзнуть In fact – на самом деле Oh dear – O боже! Afford – позволить Crowded – переполненные народом

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе. Учитель английского языка

МОУ гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна.

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе. Учитель английского языка МОУ гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г.

Слайд 3Ex.1 Somewhere – куда – нибудь Freeze to death – сильно замёрзнуть

In fact – на самом деле Oh dear – O боже! Afford

– позволить Crowded – переполненные народом The Caribbean – Карибские острова The travel agent`s – Туристическое агентство

Ex.1 Somewhere – куда – нибудь Freeze to death – сильно замёрзнуть  In fact – на

Слайд 4EX 2. Read the advertisement below, then use the notes

to ask polite questions, as in the example.

1 single room? ? 2 which meals? ? 3 speak English? ? ↙ 4 cost? Example: Could I please book a single room?

7th January - 13th January
Return flight from Gatwick

7 nights accommodation in 3 – star hotels

Two meals

Sightseeing tours to: the "red city" and

the walled Agdal gardens with

local guides

from £ 475 EXTRA!
(to the Atlas Mountains)
Marco Polo Voyages
45 Tailor Avenue, London, NW1 6QG 0208-3124 6000

EX 2. Read the advertisement below, then use the notes to ask polite questions, as in the

Слайд 5Ex 3. Read the letter and say why Rebecca wrote

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am planning to go on

the seven – day tour of Marrakech advertised in your brochure. I hope you will be able to answer a few questions for me.
Firstly, could I please book a single room? I am coming on the tour alone and I would not like to share a hotel room with another person. Secondly, I would like you to tell me which two meals the price includes. Will we have breakfast and lunch in the hotel and pay for our own dinner? Thirdly, I hope the local guides speak English. I am afraid I cannot speak any foreign languages. Finally, could you also tell me how much the excursion package will cost?
I look forward to hearing from you at easiest convenience.

Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Burns
Rebecca Burns

Ex 3. Read the letter and say why Rebecca wrote it.Dear Sir/Madam,   I am planning

Слайд 6Ex .4 Answer the questions: 1 Rebecca starts her letter

with Dear Sir/Madam because A she doesn't

know the person she's writing to. В the person she's writing to is a friend. 2 Which of the following does she use in her letter? A full verb forms С abbreviations В long sentences D formal language 3 Does Rebecca sound polite or friendly? 4 Has Rebecca included all her questions in the letter? Read the sentences which include her points. 5 Which words does Rebecca use to list her questions? 6 Which of the sentences can start/end the letter? A Hi! What's up? B I am interested in the advertisement ... С Do drop me a line. D I would appreciate an answer at your earliest convenience.

Ex .4 Answer the questions:  1  Rebecca starts her letter with Dear Sir/Madam because

Слайд 7 (Writing a letter asking for


«It is a big world. Start travelling now!»

(Writing a letter asking for      information)«It is a big world. Start

Слайд 8
1 direct flight? 2 share room? 3 by bus

or train? 4 buy traditional clothes?
Ex 5. Use

the notes in the advertisement below to write questions, as in the example.

1. Firstly, is the flight to Lima direct?
2. Secondly,
3. What is more,
4. Finally,

EX 6. Suggest suitable supporting sentences for each sentence (1 to 4).

1 direct flight?    2 share room?   3 by bus or train?

Слайд 9

Writing Tip To write a formal letter

asking for information, we start with Dear Sir/Madam. In the first paragraph, we state the reason for writing the letter. In the main body, (paragraphs 2-4), we ask questions about the information we need. We can use Firstly, Secondly, Finally, etc, to introduce each paragraph. In the last paragraph, we usually say we hope to hear from the person soon. We end our letter with Yours faithfully, and our full name.

Writing Tip

Слайд 10

Plan Dear Sir/Madam, Introduction (Paragraph 1)

explain why you are writing Main Body (Paragraphs 2-4) ask your questions Conclusion (Paragraph 5) closing remarks Yours faithfully, (your full name)


Слайд 11

HOMEWORK: Use your answers in

your exercise-book and the plan below, to write a letter to Inca Travel asking for information about the tour (100-120 words). Use Rebecca’s letter as a model.

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