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Read the dates 1965 1897 2004 1900 1689 2003 1956 1729

Слайды и текст этой презентации

A Famous Person
Кацанда Елена Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ школа-интернат № 49


BIOGRAPHYA Famous PersonКацанда Елена Николаевна,учитель английского языкаГБОУ школа-интернат № 49Петродворцового районаСанкт-Петербурга

Слайд 2Read the dates
1965 1897

1900 1689

1956 1729 1812
2000 1380 2015

Read the dates   1965   1897   2004    1900

Слайд 3Read the dates

2nd February 21st

8th March 20th May
September,15 November,12

Read the dates    April,13     January,1    2nd February

Слайд 4Read the dates
26/1/2011-January the twenty-sixth, two thousand (and) eleven

-the twenty-sixth of January

two thousand (and) eleven

18/8/2012- August the eighteenth, two thousand (and) twelve
- the eighteenth of August two thousand (and) twelve

24/6/1916- June the twenty-fourth, nineteen (and) sixteen
-the twenty-fourth of June nineteen (and) sixteen

14th March 2011, 1st October 1791, 13th January 1875
7th July 1959, 23d September 2012, 31 August 2000

Read the dates26/1/2011-January the twenty-sixth, two thousand (and) eleven        -the

Слайд 5Walt Disney
What is W. Disney famous for? What was he?

are the most important events of his early years?

are the most important events of his later years?
What is the last part of the text about?
What should you know to write a biography?

Walt DisneyWhat is W. Disney famous for? What was he?What are the most important events of his

Слайд 6Who are they? What were they?

Who are they? What were they?

Слайд 7What were they?

poet, writer, dramatist
poet, writer,

Russian tsar
scientist, poet, philosopher


What were they?cosmonautpoet, writer, dramatistpoet, writer, composerscientistRussian tsarscientist, poet, philosophermilitary leader



Слайд 9Choose the right answer
1. Pushkin A.S. was born on June

6th :
A) 1790 B)1801
2. He was born

A) St. Petersburg C) Pskov
3. The family was :
B) middle-class C) poor
4.His B) mother C) granny
toughed him all about Russian folktales ant traditions.
5. Pushkin studied at: A)university C)school
6. in A) Krasnoye Selo C) Peterhof


B) Moscow

A) of upper-class

A) nanny

B) Tsarskoye Selo

B) lyceum

Choose the right answer1. Pushkin A.S. was born on June 6th :A) 1790  B)1801  2.

Слайд 10
8.Pushkin was influenced (находился под влиянием) by:

B) Derzhavin, Lermontov and

C) Lord Byron, Nekrasov and Tutchev.
9. After 6 years of

study Pushkin graduated from the Lyceum and began to work:
B)in a military service
C) at school.
10. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 and published his first poem at
A) 18 B) 12

A) Zhukovskiy, Lord Byron and Derzhavin

A) in the foreign office

C) 15

8.Pushkin was influenced (находился под влиянием) by:B) Derzhavin, Lermontov and GogolC) Lord Byron, Nekrasov and Tutchev.9. After

Слайд 11
11. Pushkin fell in love with :
A)Anna Kern
C) Ekaterina Vorontsova

they got married.
12. They had A) 5 children

C) 2 children
13. Pushkin died
A) after a car crash
B) after a serious illness

14. A) in1834 B) in1836

B) Natalya Goncharova

B) 4 children

C) after a duel with Baron Georges d'Antes

C) in1837.

11. Pushkin fell in love with :A)Anna KernC) Ekaterina Vorontsovaand they got married.12. They had A) 5

Слайд 12Check your answers
Pushkin A.S. was born on May 26 1799

The family lived in Moscow .
The family was of

When Alexander was a boy he spent much time with his nurse .
Pushkin studied at lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo.
His first poem was published when he was 15 .
A.Pushkin was influenced by Zhukovskiy, Lord Byron and Derzhavin
After 6 years of study Pushkin graduated from the Lyceum and began to work in the foreign office
In 1824 for his anti-tsarist poetry he was exiled (выслан) to Mikhailovskoe
Pushkin fell in love with Natalya Goncharova and they got married.
They had 4 children.
Pushkin died after a duel with Baron Georges d'Antes in1837.

Check your answersPushkin A.S. was born on May 26 1799 The family lived in Moscow . The

Слайд 13Plan of writing a biography
2.Early years
3.Later years

Plan of writing a biography1.Introduction2.Early years3.Later years4.Conclusion

Слайд 141.Introduction
Name, why he/she is famous (outstanding)
(Name) is an outstanding…/one

of the greatest…
He / She is well-known / world famous…

because (he was the founder of Russian… /created the language of modern Russian poetry)/as a great poet, writer,…
People all over the world know/ remember him / her because he/she made a great contribution into world art/science/poetry…
1.Introduction Name, why he/she is famous (outstanding)(Name) is an outstanding…/one of the greatest…He / She is well-known

Слайд 152.Early Years
He / She was born in…(date, place of birth)

loved to…/spent a lot of time …
He/she got a good

He/she started writing/drawing ..when he was only…
He /She entered/studied at / attended / graduated from / …
2.Early YearsHe / She was born in…(date, place of birth)He/she loved to…/spent a lot of time …He/she

Слайд 163. Later Years
He /She worked as…/worked hard
He wrote/created/made/won…
His first book

was published in…
He fell in love with… and in a few

years they got married.
He died at the age of… in…
3. Later YearsHe /She worked as…/worked hardHe wrote/created/made/won…His first book was published in…He fell in love with… and

Слайд 174.Conclusion (His contribution into music/ literature/science. Why people love him/her)

played a great part in (Russian music/poetry/ science…)
He/she is the

greatest… and a national pride.
His work lives on today
We can call him the most important Russian…
His works influenced the great Russian writers/…
Today we can really say that his works are of genius, they’re masterpieces. 
He devoted all his life and work to his country and its people.

4.Conclusion (His contribution into music/ literature/science. Why people love him/her) He played a great part in (Russian

Слайд 18Home Task
Write an article about a great Russian poet

S. Pushkin
Use the plan of writing a biography
Use the information

from the quiz about
A. S. Pushkin
Find and give some more interesting facts and information about the poet, name some popular Pushkin’s books and poems.
Home TaskWrite an article about a great Russian poet A. S. PushkinUse the plan of writing a

Слайд 19 Thank you for
the lesson!

The End.

Thank you for  the lesson!The End.

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