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Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Rules around us!"

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Rules around us
Rules around us

Rules around usRules around us

Слайд 3Here some rules for you and me, See how important they

can be Always be honest, be kind and fair, Always be

good and willing to share These are rules we all should know, We follow these rules wherever we go
Here some rules for you and me, See how important they can be Always be honest, be

Слайд 4to care (about) – заботиться о
danger – опасность
to hurt

– наносить вред
to be cautious – быть осмотрительным
safety – безопасность

- разрешение
to care (about) – заботиться о danger – опасностьto hurt – наносить вредto be cautious – быть

Слайд 5We should be cautious. I always ask my parents’ permission. My parents

care about my safety. We should follow the rules.

We should be cautious. I always ask my parents’ permission. My parents care about my safety. We

Слайд 6Are you cautious? Do you ask your parents’ permission? Should you follow

the rules?

Are you cautious?  Do you ask your parents’ permission?  Should you follow the rules?

Слайд 7Here some … for you and me, See how important they

can be Always be honest, be kind and fair,

……….be good and willing to share These are ……we all ……. know, We …… these rules wherever we go
Here some … for you and me, See how important they can be Always be honest, be

Слайд 8Thank you! Good bye!

Thank you! Good bye!

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