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Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Школьная жизнь"


Some pupils don’t like schoolBut they are really few.They have to know a good rule:Learning is not easy thing to do.

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Слайд 2Some pupils don’t like school
But they are really few.
They have

to know a good rule:
Learning is not easy thing to

Some pupils don’t like schoolBut they are really few.They have to know a good rule:Learning is not

Слайд 3School


Слайд 4What do these children feel about school?

What do these children feel about school?

Слайд 5Fill in the gaps.
… loves school, and … likes school,

But … doesn’t care much about school.
And … hates school.

Fill in the gaps.… loves school, and … likes school, too.But … doesn’t care much about school.And

Слайд 6Let’s check.
Mary loves school, and Peter likes school, too.
But Mike

doesn’t care much about school.
And Jane hates school.

Let’s check.Mary loves school, and Peter likes school, too.But Mike doesn’t care much about school.And Jane hates

Слайд 7

And you?
Do you love school?

And you? Do you love school?

Слайд 8 to become smarter
to study interesting subjects
to learn

new things
to make a lot of friends
to take

part in school activities
to enjoy school life
to get up early / to be tired
to do a lot of homework
to have no time for watching TV
to have many tests/ to get bad marks.

Why do you like to go to school? Why don't you like to go to school?

to become smarter to study interesting subjects to learn new things to make a lot of

Слайд 10What subjects are these children good at?

What subjects are these children good at?

Слайд 11A school of the future.
The school will be …
The lessons

will start …
A lesson will be … minutes.
Compulsory subjects will

be …
The most important subject
will be …
Teachers will be …
Classmates will be …
Pupils will have … lessons a day.

A school of the future.The school will be …The lessons will start …A lesson will be …

give students only good

marks ;
give their students much homework;
be strict;

a good sense of humour;
give bad marks to students;
keep discipline;
wear a uniform;
do homework;
get good marks;



RULES IN A SCHOOL OF THE FUTUREgive students only good marks ; give their students much homework;

Слайд 13Let's smile
American students have a good sense
of humour

and make up their rule. Here is one:

Do not

teach a teacher
when a teacher teaches you.
Let's smile American students have a good sense of humour and make up their rule. Here is

Слайд 14True or false?
In England there are different types of school.

are schools only for boys and only for girls.
If you

get a scholarship to a public school, you don’t have to pay.
Scholarships are for the rich.
Scholarships are for the clever.
There are compulsory and optional subjects in English schools.

True or false?In England there are different types of school.There are schools only for boys and only

Слайд 15Choose the right variant.
In Russia 99 per cent of the

children go to private schools / state schools.
2.There are schools

for boys and schools for girls. / Boys and girls go to school together.
3.There are no private schools in Russia. / There are some private schools in Russia.
4.There are no boarding schools in Russia./ There are some boarding schools in Russia.

Choose the right variant.In Russia 99 per cent of the children go to private schools / state

Слайд 16Let’s check.
In Russia 99 per cent of the children go

to state schools.

2. Boys and girls go to school together.


There are some private schools in Russia.

4. There are some boarding schools in Russia.

Let’s check.In Russia 99 per cent of the children go to state schools.2. Boys and girls go



Слайд 18A model of Eton college
Eton College is the most

famous public school in the UK.

A model of Eton college Eton College is the most famous public school in the UK.

Слайд 19Prince William at Eton (aged 18)
Many famous people went

to school there, including both Prince William and Prince Harry.

Prince William at Eton (aged 18) Many famous people went to school there, including both Prince William

Слайд 20King Henry the Sixth founded Eton College in 1440

King Henry the Sixth founded Eton College in 1440

Слайд 21Eton Arms
You can see the arms of Eton in

many parts of the school. This combines a "fleur de

lis" (representing France), a lion (representing England), and three lilies (representing the Virgin Mary - the mother of Jesus Christ).

Eton Arms You can see the arms of Eton in many parts of the school. This combines

Слайд 22Eton uniform in about 1880

Eton uniform in about 1880

Слайд 23Modern Eton uniform

Modern Eton uniform

Слайд 24School slang
The test was a piece of cake!
a) The

test was very difficult.
b) The test was very easy.

School slang The test was a piece of cake!a) The test was very difficult.b) The test was

Слайд 25School slang
The test was a piece of cake!
b) The

test was very easy.

School slang The test was a piece of cake!b) The test was very easy.

Слайд 26School slang
Don’t be a chicken!
a) Don’t say stupid things!

Don’t be so afraid!

School slang Don’t be a chicken!a) Don’t say stupid things!b) Don’t be so afraid!

Слайд 27School slang
Don’t be a chicken!
b) Don’t be so afraid!

School slang Don’t be a chicken!b) Don’t be so afraid!

Слайд 28School slang
It beats me.
a) I have no idea.
b) I

know everything.

School slang It beats me.a) I have no idea.b) I know everything.

Слайд 29School slang
It beats me.
a) I have no idea.

School slang It beats me.a) I have no idea.

Слайд 30Translate the English proverbs.
Live and learn.

2. Knowledge is power.

Translate the English proverbs.Live and learn.2. Knowledge is power.

Слайд 31to learn words for a dictation

to learn words for a dictation(p.137)

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