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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе "В гармонии с другими"

Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close

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Слайд 1In harmony with Others

In harmony with Others

Слайд 2Living with harmony with others is easier said than done,

especially in a world filled with conflict, catastrophes, and differing

opinions. You may struggle to feel in sync with people close to you and with society at large. Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others.
Living with harmony with others is easier said than done, especially in a world filled with conflict,

Слайд 31.Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for postings

about events like a block party or a community garage

sale. Volunteer at community events and donate goods or money to local events. This can help you feel more connected to your neighbors.
1.Participate in community events. Check the local community boards for postings about events like a block party or

Слайд 42.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live around

you. Knock on their door and bring over baked goods.

Say “hello” to them on the street. Be friendly and sociable with your neighbors so you can build a sense of community in the neighborhood.
2.Connect with your neighbors. Reach out to people who live around you. Knock on their door and bring

Слайд 53.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend time

with good friends so you can stay connected with them

and not lose touch. Schedule regular hang outs once a week or once a month with different friends. Make an effort to keep your friendships alive and active.
3.Hang out with friends on a regular basis. Spend time with good friends so you can stay

Слайд 64.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time you

spend with your family meaningful and memorable. Have regular family

dinners or invite your family over. Plan a trip with your family, especially if it’s been awhile since you have all traveled together.
4.Spend quality time with family. Try to make the time you spend with your family meaningful and memorable.

Слайд 75.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself up

to your friends and family when you need them. Don’t

hide your feelings or shy away from sharing your emotions with them. Instead, be vulnerable so you can feel more authentic and real around those close to you.
5.Be vulnerable and honest with friends and family. Open yourself up to your friends and family when you

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