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Презентация к уроку английского языка "What are the pros and cons of computers?"


Computers in our life

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Computers in our life
Презентация урока английского языка

Компьютеры в нашей жизни

Computers in our lifeПрезентация урока английского языкаКомпьютеры в нашей жизни

Слайд 2Computers in our life

Computers in our life

Слайд 3Today we shall see what computers can do and what

you can do with their help.
Do you have a PC

at home?
Can you use it?
What can you do?
Can you use the Internet?
What do you use the Internet for?
Do you like working with the computer? Why? 
Today we shall see what computers can do and what you can do with their help.Do you

Слайд 4What are the pros and cons of computers?

What are the pros and cons of computers?

Слайд 5
Computers can do a lot of work for us. They

help us at school. They keep useful information. Besides, they

can even teach us English as well as other subjects. On the other hand, they have some cons. Viruses are a headache for many users. You shouldn’t spend too much time at your PC. It’s bad for your eyesight, for instance. Chatting in the Internet with your friend is not the same as a face-to-face talk. 
Computers can do a lot of work for us. They help us at school. They keep useful


- count


Слайд 7CAN THEY …?
- translate

CAN THEY …?- translate

Слайд 8CAN THEY …?
- speak

CAN THEY …?- speak

Слайд 9CAN THEY …?
- play chess

CAN THEY …?- play chess

Слайд 10CAN THEY …?
- see

CAN THEY …?- see

Слайд 11CAN THEY …?
- write books

CAN THEY …?- write books

Слайд 12CAN THEY …?
- make music

CAN THEY …?- make music

Слайд 13CAN THEY …?
- forecast the weather

CAN THEY …?- forecast the weather

Слайд 14CAN THEY …?
- hear

CAN THEY …? - hear

Слайд 15CAN THEY …?
- do crosswords

CAN THEY …?- do crosswords

Слайд 16CAN THEY …?
- smell print documents

CAN THEY …?- smell print documents

Слайд 17CAN THEY …?
- think

CAN THEY …?- think

Слайд 18CAN THEY …?

CAN THEY …?paint

Слайд 19 Yes, they can count.

Yes, they can play chess.

they can’t see. It’s impossible.
No, computers can’t do crosswords.

Though some modern ones probably can.
No, computers can’t hear as well as smell.
Yes. Of course, they can print some documents.
Yes, computers can forecast the weather.
Yes, they can make music. (But not like Mozart!)

No, they can’t write books. Only the man can write them with their help.
No, they can’t think.
Yes, computers can paint. (But not like Levitan!) They do it with our help.
Yes, they can count. Yes, they can play chess. No, they can’t see. It’s impossible.

Слайд 20And can computers eat? Drink? Fall in love? 

And can computers eat? Drink? Fall in love? 

Слайд 21Can computers replace people?

Can computers replace people?

Слайд 22In the world of computers
 we use some special words and

expressions. They all have two meanings: from the general English

and from the sphere of computers.
In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. They all have two meanings: from

Слайд 23
a mouse –  1) мышь; 2) мышка (компьютерная) to surf – 1) заниматься серфингом; 2)

бродить по Интернету a flame – 1) пламя; 2) неприветливое (грубое) письмо по

электронной почте to boot –  1) ударить ногой; 2) стартовать компьютер a bug –  1) жук; 2) ошибка в компьютерной программе
a mouse –  1) мышь; 2) мышка (компьютерная)  to surf – 1) заниматься серфингом; 2) бродить

Слайд 25Breakage- поломка
Crash- потерпеть крах
To browse- бродить по Интернету
Browser-обозреватель(компьютерная программа)
To check-

Database- база данных
Screen- экран
Disk drive- дисковод
Effort- усилие
A bug – ошибка

в программе
A flame – грубое имэйл
A geek (a haker) – хакер
To look up – искать что-либо
To surf – искать в Интернете
w.w.w – World Wide Web(всемирная сеть )
To press- нажимать
Keyboard- клавиатура

Breakage- поломкаCrash- потерпеть крахTo browse- бродить по ИнтернетуBrowser-обозреватель(компьютерная программа)To check- проверятьData-данныеDatabase- база данныхScreen- экранDisk drive- дисководEffort- усилиеA

Слайд 26Поломка компьютера
Компьютерная программа
База данных
Поломка дисковода
Проектировать сайт
Данные компьютера

Поломка компьютераКомпьютерная программаБаза данныхПоломка дисководаПроектировать сайтДанные компьютера

Слайд 27 Compact disc - rewritable

Compact disc - rewritable

Слайд 29Find the item in the picture and write
the corresponding

letter next to the word

online shopping
search engine


Find the item in the picture and write the corresponding letter next to the wordpasswordmouseonline shoppingsearch enginekeywordclickwebsitescreencheckingcfhgabde

Слайд 30
Fill in the gaps with

online shopping
search engine
the words from the

When you want to find information on the web, it

is helpful to use a _______________ such as Google or Yandex. You type in a _______ or a phrase, _______in “GO” and a list of ________ appears on your computer ________. Many people use the web for _____________ or banking. To enter a secure site, you usually need to enter your username and a ________.

online shopping

search engine






Fill in the gaps withonline shoppingsearch enginewebsiteskeywordpasswordclickscreencheckingthe words from the boxWhen you want to find information on

Слайд 31 g Switch on the computer, the monitor and

the printer.


Put the following computer operations
in the correct order
b Close

the application

c Open the application

d Print your work

e Save your work on the

hard disk

a Work

f Switch off the computer,

the monitor and the printer

g Switch on the computer,

the monitor and the printer

The first part is done for example

g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer..Put the following computer operationsin the

Слайд 32g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer


Open the application you want

a Work

e Save your work on

the hard disk.

d Print your work

b Close the application.

f Switch off the computer, the monitor and the printer

Check your answers

g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printerc Open the application you wanta Worke Save

Слайд 33Asking for technical help

Asking for technical helpDialogue

Слайд 34Carol
Hallo! Who's speaking?
Computer Helpline,
Can you help me?
What is the

Well, my computer seems
to have crashed.
How exactly?
Ron is speaking.

I can't move anything,

even cursor just sticks

in the same place.

The best thing to do is to

switch it off and start again.

Do you think that will help?

Yes, that's what I would do.

OK. I'll give it a try.

How is it getting on?

It's OK. Thanks a lot.

No problem.

CarolRonHallo! Who's speaking?Computer Helpline, Can you help me?What is the problem?Well, my computer seems to have crashed.How

Слайд 35Carol
Hallo! Who's speaking?
Computer Helpline,
Can you ____ me?
What is the

Well, my computer seems
to have _______.
How exactly?
Ron is ________.

I can't move anything,

even ______ just sticks

in the same place.

The best thing to do is to

______ it off and start again.

Do you think that will ____?

Yes, that's what I would ___.

OK. I'll give it a ___.

How is it getting on?

It's OK. Thanks a lot.

___ problem.

Now try to fill in the gaps

CarolRonHallo! Who's speaking?Computer Helpline, Can you ____ me?What is the _______?Well, my computer seems to have _______.How

Слайд 36Carol
Computer Helpline,
Hello! Who is speaking?
Ron is speaking.
Can you help me?

is the problem?
Well, my computer
seems to have crashed!


Well, I can’t move anything,

even the cursor just sticks

in the same place.

The best thing to do is

to switch it off and try again.

Do you think it will help?

Yes, that’s what I would do.

How is it getting on?

No problem.

Make sure you’ve guessed correctly

OK. I’ll give it a try.

It’s OK. Thanks a lot.

CarolRonComputer Helpline,Hello! Who is speaking?Ron is speaking.Can you help me?What is the problem?Well, my computer seems to

Слайд 37Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box


go online
Nowadays you can _______________ if your brother is using

the telephone line to talk to his friends

Many people send and receive ________ rather then telephoning or using “snail mail” (letter post).

These days you can buy things on the Internet by going to the company’s ___________.




go online

Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the boxcomputer virusescrashesemailsbuggo onlinewebsiteNowadays you can _______________ if your

Слайд 38Complete the sentences words and with phrases from the box


the computer ________ ,and then it is impossible to use

it. You usually have to switch it off and start again.

Some people create ________________ , which infect any computer they arrive at. They are dangerous a can destroy everything on the hard disk.

If a computer programme has a ____, it won’t work properly.



computer viruses

online shopping



computer viruses

Complete the sentences words and with phrases from the boxcrashesemailswebsiteSometimes the computer ________ ,and then it is

Слайд 39

Thanks for your work!

Thanks  for your work!

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