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Презентация к уроку "Дикие животные"

King of the jungle– The king of the animals is wild, big and fine. He's a _______  На кого щенок залаял? В клетке лев огромный, lion. Пусть узнает царь зверей,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Wild Animals. Predators.
Let’s remember them all!

Wild Animals. Predators.Let’s remember them all!

Слайд 2King of the jungle

– The king of the animals is

wild, big and fine. He's a _______  
На кого щенок

залаял? В клетке лев огромный, lion. Пусть узнает царь зверей, Кто зубастей и смелей!


King of the jungle– The king of the animals is wild, big and fine.  He's a

Слайд 3Tiger
The tiger is the largest member of the felid

(cat) family. Tigers have a long, thick, reddish coat with

a white belly and white and black tail. The head, body, tail and limbs have narrow black, brown or gray stripes.
Tigers reach up to ten feet in length and weigh 400 to 575 pounds. Tigers live for ten to 15 years.
TigerDESCRIPTION: The tiger is the largest member of the felid (cat) family. Tigers have a long, thick,

Слайд 4Wolfs

Wolf's known to travel in a pack, That doubtless doesn't leader

lack. Wolf pack is quiet at high noon, But loud, when howling

at the moon. It fills the night with haunting tune.

За/чем зайцу прятаться от волка?
Ответ: лучше всего
за медведя.

WolfsWolf's known to travel in a pack, That doubtless doesn't leader lack. Wolf pack is quiet at

Слайд 5Bears
The Black Bear
In the summer, fall, and spring the black bear

sports and has his fling, but winter sends him straight indoors

and there he snores... and snores... and snores.

Polar Bear
The polar bear lives in Alaska, He never gets cold in a storm, He swims in cold icy water, His heavy coat keeps him warm. Warm, warm, warm, warm, His heavy coat keeps him warm. Warm, warm, warm, warm, His heavy coat keeps him warm.

BearsThe Black BearIn the summer, fall, and spring the black bear sports and has his fling, but

Слайд 6Foxes
Обитает в Евразии, Северной Америке, Африке. Завезена в Австралию. У лисиц,

как и у котов, вертикальный зрачок. Для укрытия ищут заброшенные

норы, но если нор нет, приходится рыть самим. Они не живут стаями, предпочитая и охотится в одиночку. В сказках лиса всегда хитрая и находчивая, и зто правда. В настоящей жизни лисе тоже приходится мудрить: при опасности может притворится мертвой.

ЛИСЯТА Мы - веселые лисички, Пышный хвост и хитрый глаз.
Мы охотничьи привычки
Тренируем каждый час.

FoxesОбитает в Евразии, Северной Америке, Африке. Завезена в Австралию. У лисиц, как и у котов, вертикальный зрачок.

Слайд 7Cheetahs
DESCRIPTION: The fastest land animal in the world, the cheetah

is a marvel of evolution. Capable of running up to

70 miles per hour, the cheetah?s slender, long-legged body is built for speed. Its spotted coat, small head and ears, and distinctive "tear stripes" from the corner of the eyes down the sides of the nose make the cheetah highly recognizable among the large cats of Africa.
SIZE: The cheetah is smaller than other big cats, measuring 44 to 53 inches long with a tail length of 26 to 33 inches. Cheetahs usually weigh 110 to 140 pounds.
POPULATION: An estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild.
LIFESPAN: Cheetahs live an average of ten to 12 years.
CheetahsDESCRIPTION: The fastest land animal in the world, the cheetah is a marvel of evolution. Capable of

Слайд 8Leopards
DESCRIPTION: Leopards are medium-sized cats found in a range of

colors from pale yellow to gray to chestnut. A leopard?s

shoulders, upper arms, back and haunches are marked with dark spots in a rosette pattern, while the head, chest and throat are marked with small black spots. Large black spots cover the leopard?s white belly. Black, or melanistic, leopards are common, especially in dense forests. SIZE: Leopards are 1.5 to 2.6 feet tall at the shoulder. They are three to six feet long, with a tail that is two to 3.5 feet long. Males weigh between 82 and 200 pounds, females are slightly smaller. 
LIFESPAN:Leopards live for up to 20 years.
LeopardsDESCRIPTION:  Leopards are medium-sized cats found in a range of colors from pale yellow to gray

Слайд 9Panthers
Пантера ходит по вольеру.
Мне очень нравится пантера.

И все б ничего, только вот незадача –
Я тоже

ей нравлюсь, но как-то иначе...
PanthersЧЕРНАЯ ПАНТЕРА Пантера ходит по вольеру. Мне очень нравится пантера. И все б ничего, только вот незадача

Слайд 10Thank you for the lesson
If you like it put

you don’t like it put
If you don’t know you like

it or not put
Thank you for the lessonIf you like it put If you don’t like it putIf you don’t

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