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Презентация к уроку по теме Animals

Only animals!It lives long and it can be cooked in a soup. 2. It is small. It carries its the house on the back.3. It lives in the wood, changes

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Crossword puzzle
About animals

Crossword     puzzleAbout animals

Слайд 2Only animals!
It lives long and it can be cooked in

a soup.
2. It is small. It carries its

the house on the back.
3. It lives in the wood, changes horns.
4. It eats leaves from tall trees.
5. Hunters hunt on it and then cook with apples.
6. It lives in Africa, in a zoo, in the animated film.
7. There will be no life on the earth without it.

Only animals!It lives long and it can be cooked in a soup.  2. It is small.

Слайд 4Answers

Answers tortoise snail deer giraffe duck lion bee

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