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Презентация к уроку по теме "Summer"

Summer is the best season of the year

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Summer is the best season of the year

Summer is the best season of the year

Слайд 3Make up word combinations
to spend
to go
to enjoy
to gather
to swim
to play

a bicycle
in the sea (river, lake)
mushrooms / berries
summer holidays
the weather

the sea (to the country, to the mountains)
football, volley-ball … (on the sand)

Make up word combinationsto spendto goto enjoyto gatherto swimto playto ridea bicyclein the sea (river, lake)mushrooms /

Слайд 4

To swim in the sea

To swim in the sea

Слайд 5

To play games

To play games

Слайд 6to gather mushrooms and berries

to gather mushrooms and berries

Слайд 7at the seaside

at the seaside

Слайд 8in the mountains

in the mountains

Слайд 9in the country

in the country

Слайд 10 in the country

in the country

Слайд 11at camp

at camp

Слайд 12Answer the questions
Where were you in summer?
Where did you spend

your summer holidays?
Did you enjoy the weather?
Did you spend a

lot of time outdoors?
Where did you go to swim?
What games did you play?
Did you ride a bicycle?
Did you gather mushrooms and berries?
Did you have a good time?
Answer the questionsWhere were you in summer?Where did you spend your summer holidays?Did you enjoy the weather?Did

Слайд 13Give answers to these questions
A: Hello, …! Did you have

a good holiday?
B: …
A: Were you in the mountains?
B: …

Where were you then?
B: …
A: What did you do there?
B: …
A: How was the weather there?
B: …

Give answers to these questionsA: Hello, …! Did you have a good holiday?B: …A: Were you in

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