Разделы презентаций

Презентация к уроку в 4 классе "We are going on a picnic"

When is your birthday?My birthday is on the …

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The best moments of the year
We are going on a


The best moments of the yearWe are going on a picnic

Слайд 2When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the …

When is your birthday?My birthday is on the …

Слайд 3Yes, I am.
No, I am not.

Are you going to

play computer games visit your friends walk in the

park have a lunch
cook dinner ride a bike
phone your friend read a book watch TV wash up

Yes, I am.No, I am not. Are you going to …play computer games  visit your friends

Слайд 4Read the story and say who the characters in the

pictures are to each other

Read the story and say who the characters in the pictures are to each other

Слайд 5Vocabulary

что-то, что-нибудь

to get lost уходить прочь
to call звать; звонить
to drive (drove, driven)up подъезжать
to phone звонить
to ring (rang, rung) звенеть

Vocabulary  something              что-то,

Слайд 6Remember
to ride ( a bicycle)
to drive (a car)

Be careful!

Remember to ride ( a bicycle) to drive (a car)Go home!Be careful!

Слайд 7Homework
Упр. 3) стр. 54

HomeworkУпр. 3) стр. 54

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