the 14 th of February
Слайд 2Not only when it’s Valentine’s Day
But always all year through.
thought about with words of love
And wished much gladness, too!
Слайд 3I hope that Valentine’s Day,
Will bring you lots of fun!
thinks you’re extra-specially nice,
And so does everyone.
Слайд 4Happiness is never far behind
When thoughts of you come into
Sending a wish with lots of heart
For a day that’s
happy from the start!
Слайд 5Sending a basket of Valentine wishes
Filled with lots of love
and kisses!
Just a little note to say,
“Have a happy, happy
Valentine’s Day!”
Слайд 6Here’s a special Valentine
With lots of love for you.
And since
you are very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
You’re just
the nicest kind of boy,
So very grown up, too,
No wonder, that this Valentine
Brings lots of love for you!
Слайд 7You’d make the nicest Valentine
That there could ever be!
so I’m asking,” Dear,
Please, be Valentine with me?”
Слайд 8Although I know that friendship reaches
Far across the miles,
I’d still
be glad to see one of
Your warm and friendly
And though I know
The times we’re shared
Will last within the heart,
I just can’t keep from wishing that
We weren’t so far apart!
Слайд 9I love you more…
I love you more than apple
Than peaches and a plum,
Than chocolate hearts,
And cherry tarts,
berry bubble-gum.
Слайд 10I love you more than lemonade,
And seven-layer cake,
Than lollipops,
candy drops,
And thick vanilla shake.
Слайд 11I love you more than marzipan,
Than marmalade on toast;
For I
love pies
Of any size,
But I love you the most.
Слайд 12 My Valentine
I have a little Valentine
someone sent to me.
It's pink and white
And red and
And pretty as can be.
Слайд 13Forget-me-nots
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too;
And such a lovely
piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
Слайд 14And in the center
There’s a heart
As red as red can
And on it’s written
All in gold, “To You,
With Love
From Me”.