Разделы презентаций

Professions. The Place We Work In 2 класс


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Слайд 1Урок во втором классе Тема: “Professions. The Place We Work In”


учитель английского языка
Плоткина Ю.С.
ГБОУ №698 «Пансион»

Урок во втором классе Тема: “Professions. The Place We Work In”Подготовила учитель английского языкаПлоткина Ю.С. ГБОУ №698

Слайд 2What are they?

What are they?

Слайд 3
He works in a plant.

What is he?

He works in a plant. What is he?

Слайд 4A worker

A worker

Слайд 5
He works in an office.

What is he?

He works in an office. What is he?

Слайд 6An engineer

An engineer

Слайд 7
She works at school.

What is she?

She works at school. What is she?

Слайд 8A teacher

A teacher

Слайд 9
She works in a hospital.

What is she?

She works in a hospital. What is she?

Слайд 10A doctor

A doctor

Слайд 11
She works at home.

What is she?

She works at home. What is she?

Слайд 12A housewife

A housewife

Слайд 13
He works in the Airport.

What is he?

He works in the Airport. What is he?

Слайд 14A pilot

A pilot

Слайд 15
He works in a Vet Clinic.

What is he?

He works in a Vet Clinic. What is he?

Слайд 17
He works in a car station.

What is he?

He works in a car station. What is he?

Слайд 18A driver

A driver

Слайд 19
He works at the dentist’s.

What is he?

He works at the dentist’s. What is he?

Слайд 20A dentist

A dentist

Слайд 21He works in a plant.
He is a worker.

He works in a plant. He is a worker.

Слайд 22He works in an office.
He is an engineer.

He works in an office. He is an engineer.

Слайд 23She works at school.
She is a teacher.

She works at school. She is a teacher.

Слайд 24She works in a hospital.
She is a doctor.

She works in a hospital. She is a doctor.

Слайд 25She works at home.
She is a housewife.

She works at home. She is a housewife.

Слайд 26He works in the Airport.
He is a pilot.

He works in the Airport. He is a pilot.

Слайд 27He works in a Vet Clinic.
He is a vet.

He works in a Vet Clinic. He is a vet.

Слайд 28He works in a car station.
He is a driver.

He works in a car station. He is a driver.

Слайд 29He works at the dentist’s.
He is a dentist.

He works at the dentist’s. He is a dentist.

Слайд 31Patrick Lennon
A doctor
A hospital

Ann Smith
Great Britain
A teacher

Patrick LennonAmericaA doctorA hospitallikeAnn SmithGreat BritainA teacherSchoollike

Слайд 32Ссылки на фотографии

Ссылки на фотографииhttp://architectszoom.typepad.com/.a/6a010535c880f7970b011279413d0d28a4-800wihttp://www.fresher.ru/images9/uchitelya-kotoryx-bolshe-net/1.jpghttp://www.daciccool.ro/images/stories/Dacicool/Romania_Mea/Povesti_de_viata/Haos_in_sistemul_de_sanatate/Am%20intalnit%20si%20medici%20buni,%20dar%20si%20unii%20care%20nu%20te%20ajuta%20daca%20nu%20platesti.jpghttp://i.allday.ru/64/8b/6e/thumbs/1329572347_05.jpg

Слайд 33


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