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The cities of Russia

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Слайд 1The cities of Russia

The cities  of   Russia

Слайд 2 Moscow


Слайд 3Places of Interest in Moscow

Moscow is the capital of the

Russian Federation.
The capital of Russia is located on the Moskva

The population of the capital is about 12 million people.
There are five airports, nine railway stations and three river ports at the disposal of Moscow.
The heart of Moscow is Red Square with the Kremlin.
Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Places of Interest in MoscowMoscow is the capital of the Russian Federation.The capital of Russia is located

Слайд 4Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg

Слайд 5Saint Petersburg
St. Petersburg is often called Russian capital of culture.

is the second largest city in Russia.
It is a city

of white nights, green parks, channels and bridges.
There are very many beautiful and interesting places in St. Petersburg. Among them are the Summer Garden with its famous railing, the Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, the Russian Museum, the Alexander Nevski Monastery
Saint PetersburgSt. Petersburg is often called Russian capital of culture.It is the second largest city in Russia.It

Слайд 6 Ulyanovsk

Ulyanovsk is situated on two rivers, the Volga

and the Sviyaga
It has a population of about half a

The main industries are engineering, plane-building, weapon constructing.
There is an open space called the Volga Hill in the centre of the town.
It is very beautiful city.

UlyanovskUlyanovsk is situated on two rivers, the Volga and the SviyagaIt has

Слайд 7Thank you for attention.
Panov Nikita

Thank you for attention.“A”Panov Nikita

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