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Queen of England and Ireland Elizabeth I


Цель работы: углубление знаний о стране изучаемого языка и её прошлом;установление межпредметных связей (история - английский язык - мировая художественная культура);развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с большими объемами информации.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1
«Queen of England
and Ireland Elizabeth I»

Проект ученика 6/2 класса

школы № 347
Афанасьева Дмитрия

«Queen of England and Ireland Elizabeth I»Проект ученика 6/2 класса школы № 347Афанасьева Дмитрия

Слайд 2 Цель работы:
углубление знаний о стране изучаемого языка

и её прошлом;
установление межпредметных связей (история - английский язык -

мировая художественная культура);
развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с большими объемами информации.
Цель работы: углубление знаний о стране изучаемого языка и её прошлом;установление межпредметных связей (история

Слайд 3«Under her wing she grew the nation…», - T. Dekker,

English Elizabethian dramatist and pamphletist

«Under her wing she grew the nation…», - T. Dekker, English Elizabethian dramatist and pamphletist

Слайд 4Elisabeth I was born on 7th September in 1533. Her father

was Henry VIII, mother - Anna Boleyn Elisabeth was the

princess of Wales.
Elisabeth I was born on 7th September in 1533. Her father was Henry VIII, mother - Anna

Слайд 5Henry VIII had 6 wives.
The second wife was Anna Boleyn.

She was executed two years and eight months later the

birth of Elizabeth
Henry VIII had 6 wives.The second wife was Anna Boleyn. She was executed two years and eight

Слайд 6Old castle in Hatfield
After the death of her mother Elizabeth

was declared illegitimate and deprived of the title of princess.

She endured terrible years in Hatfield.
She was 15 years old when her father died.

Old castle in HatfieldAfter the death of her mother Elizabeth was declared illegitimate and deprived of the

Слайд 7When Elisabeth was 10, she spoke French, Latin, Italian,

Greek, Spanish, played the lute and danced perfectly.

When Elisabeth was 10, she spoke  French, Latin, Italian, Greek, Spanish, played the lute and danced

Слайд 8Mary Tudor (1553-1558) «Bloody»
The eldest daughter of Henry VIII and

Catherine of Aragon, the wife of the future king of

Spain Phillip II:
- restored Catholicism and began to pursue leaders of Reformation;
began the war with France, but in 1558 the French armies seized a city of Calais – the last possession of England on the continent.
In 1558 she fell ill.
On 6 November Mary recognised Elizabeth as her heir.
Mary Tudor (1553-1558) «Bloody»The eldest daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, the wife of the

Слайд 9 Elisabeth came to London on 28

November 1558. She was crowned on 15 January 1559.

Elisabeth came to London   on 28 November 1558. She was crowned on 15

Слайд 10Queen Elizabeth I said: «I know I have the body

of a week and feeble woman, but I have the

heart and stomach of a King»
Queen Elizabeth I said: «I know I have the body of a week and feeble woman, but

Слайд 11«39 points of the Creed» (1571)

Elizabeth I reestablished

Church of England’s independence
from Rome.
The Scriptus – a

source of the faith;
Indulgence, honoring of icons;
The clergy submitted only to the king;

“I don’t want to open the windows into the human souls”
Elizabeth I declared soon after her coronation

«39 points of the Creed» (1571)Elizabeth I  reestablished the Church of England’s independence from Rome. The

Слайд 12
Catholicism in England – persecuted faith – convenient cover for

external enemies.
Phillip II applying for the English

throne, together with the Pope tried to organize a warfare between the Catholic states of Europe and the queen-heretic.
They supported the Scottish queen Mary Stewart applying for the English throne.

Catholicism in England – persecuted faith – convenient cover for external enemies.   Phillip II applying

Слайд 13War with Scotland

In 1560 there was a revolt in Scotland

The french king supported it.
On 6 July in Edinburgh

the peace treaty was signed.
In 1561 Mary Stuart was crowned in Edinburgh.

War with ScotlandIn 1560 there was a revolt in Scotland  The french king supported it.On 6

Слайд 14Mary Stuart Scotish (1560-1567)
Mary Stuart's accension to the throne was

very dangerous for Elizabeth – the Scottish queen had a

claim to the English throne.
1567 – the revolt of the Scottish Calvinists against Mary Stuart;
In February of 1587 – Mary Stuart was accused of the plot;
On 8 February 1587 she was decapitated

Mary Stuart Scotish  (1560-1567)Mary Stuart's accension to the throne was very dangerous for Elizabeth – the

Слайд 15 Her favourite symbol was a pelican.
According to the legend

the pelican fed its chicks with its own meat.

personified Queen’s care about her people.

«Kind queen Bess»

Elizabeth made the image of the queen who was married to the nation and had the Divine aegis supplying the prosperity of England.

Elizabeth always accentuated that all her activity was directed to the prosperity of the country and that’s why she gave away her personal hapyness.

Her favourite symbol was a pelican.According to the legend the pelican fed its chicks with its

Слайд 16 Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Spanish king Phillip

II, the French prince François Anzhujsky and others proposed to

Elizabeth I to marry, but she refused.
Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Spanish king Phillip II,  the French prince François Anzhujsky

Слайд 17Frensis Drake – gentleman, pirate, traveller

“Frensis Drake, I have come to take your head!” –

Elizabeth's voice sounded severely, and Drake closed his eyes. But the blade stopped close to the neck of the pirate. The sword touched his shoulder, and during the following instant Drake was dubbed.
Frensis Drake –  gentleman,   pirate,   traveller   “Frensis Drake, I have

Слайд 18War between England and Spain Englishmen didn't have any chance to

win. Drake's big pirate experience, ship maneuverability, strategic miscalculations

of Spaniards, unity of actions of English ships helped to win the fierce battle.

War between  England and Spain Englishmen didn't have  any chance to win.   Drake's

Слайд 19«Undefeated Armada»
- Summer 1588 – the Spanish fleet reached

- July, 28th 1588 – the battle apprx.

Calais. «The invincible armada» was defeated.
Returning to Scotland and Ireland – complete defeat.

Losses: Spain – 69 ships;
England – 0.

Value: Spain lost
her power at sea.
England became
«sea mistress».

«Undefeated Armada»- Summer 1588 – the Spanish fleet  reached Plymouth; -  July, 28th 1588 –

- Spain – 132 ships;
England – 197

Capture of the Spanish group in Dunkirk ;

in the mouth of the Thames, near London;
Relience on support of English Catholics.

Evasion of the general sea battle, but some active attacks.

SPANISH ARMADA - Spain – 132 ships; England – 197 shipsSpain: Capture of the Spanish group in

Слайд 21Jacov VI (I) Stewart (1603-1625)

After Mary

Stuart’s execution Elizabeth I concluded the alliance with Jacob VI

– it was obliged not to support Spain, not to help the Scottish and Irish Catholics
In 1603 after Elizabeth's death Jacob VI became the king of England, and Scotland was attached to England.
Jacov VI (I) Stewart (1603-1625)    After Mary Stuart’s execution Elizabeth I concluded the alliance

Слайд 22Foreign relations of Elizabeth I
for Scotland
with Spain


1. Mary Stuart’s
2. Treaty
with Jacob Stuart.
3. 1603

attachment of Scotland
to England

of the Spanish Armada.
2. Spain lost her power
at sea.
3. Colonial expansion

1. War in Ireland.
2. Assimilation of
Northern America,
Chile, Peru
3. Removal of black
slaves from Africa
4. Regular trade
with India

Birth of Great Britain – one of the greatest empire, sea mistress,
proprietress of the half of the world.

Foreign relations of Elizabeth IStruggle for ScotlandWar with SpainStruggle for colonies1. Mary Stuart’sexecution 2. Treaty with Jacob

Слайд 23William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on 23

April 1564.
In 1587 he went to London. Shakespeare

wrote plays and acted in Globe Theatre.
William Shakespeare stopped writing in 1613 and came back to Stratford.
In 1616 Shakespeare died.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on 23 April 1564. In 1587 he went

Слайд 24Last years of the queen
The end of the reign

of Elizabeth I was difficult. «I have a body of

the weak and sick woman, but a heart of the king, and besides – the king of England».
Elizabeth became closed and suspicious. She was afraid of plots and murderers.
Elizabeth Tudor died on March, 23rd, 1603 Tudor dynasty stopped.

«Queen Elizabeth. Time and death». 1600

«All the mechanism of my rule is in breaking » -
from the letter of Elizabeth I to Henry IV, the King of France.

Last years of the queen The end of the reign of Elizabeth I was difficult. «I have

Слайд 25Елизавета в оценках современников и потомков
Канцлер Англии и философ Френсис

Бэкон: «Женское правление было редкостью во все времена; удачное правление

еще большей редкостью; удачное и то же время долгое правление – это уникальное явление».
Госсекретарь королевы Роберт Сесил: «Она, пожалуй, была больше, чем мужчина, но меньше, чем женщина».
Испанский посол граф Ферия: «Она очень привязана к своему народу и твердо уверена, что он на ее стороне, что и на самом деле так. Она конечно же великая королева, и если бы только она была католичкой, мы бы ее очень любили».
Папа Сикст V: «Только посмотрите, как она управляет! Она всего лишь женщина…, но она заставляет Испанию, Францию, Империю – всех бояться себя».
Елизавета в оценках  современников и потомковКанцлер Англии и философ Френсис Бэкон: «Женское правление было редкостью во

Слайд 26
Портрет – загадка для потомков

Портрет – загадка для потомков

Слайд 27Материалы, использованные в работе:
Еженедельное издание «100 человек, которые изменили ход

истории» №88, 2009г.
Б.Т. Грибанов «Елизавета I, королева Англии»

Москва, «Мир книги», 2010г.
Журнал «Всемирный следопыт»
№6 за 2007г., №1 за 2008г., №3 за 2009г.





Материалы, использованные в работе:Еженедельное издание «100 человек, которые изменили ход истории» №88, 2009г. Б.Т. Грибанов «Елизавета I,

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