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Разработка урока с презентацией "Здоровый образ жизни"

1) What is a healthy lifestyle? A. The list of activities aimed at the preservation and promotion of health; B. Medical-gymnastic health center; C. Individual system of behavior aimed at preserving

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Слайд 1Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Слайд 21) What is a healthy lifestyle? A. The list of activities

aimed at the preservation and promotion of health; B. Medical-gymnastic health

center; C. Individual system of behavior aimed at preserving and promoting the healthy way of life.

2) Do you do any sports? A.Yes; B. No; C. Sometimes.

1) What is a healthy lifestyle? A. The list of activities aimed at the preservation and promotion

Слайд 33) Waking up in the morning, do you ...? A. Immediately

jump out of bed and get to school; B. Get up

slowly, do some exercises and then start to get ready for work; C. Try to stay in bed as much as possible

4) Do you do the morning exercises? A. Yes, every morning; B. No, do not; C. I do, but not regularly.

3) Waking up in the morning, do you ...? A. Immediately jump out of bed and get

Слайд 45) What food is the main in your diet? A. Fruits,

vegetables, grains, fish, meat; B. Bakery products and sweets; C. Instant soups,

chips, crackers, sweets.

6) How much pure water do you drink a day? A. Differently, sometimes even for a whole day I cannot drink a drop; B. I follow the special schedule, drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day; C. 2 - 4 cups a day.

5) What food is the main in your diet? A. Fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, meat; B. Bakery

Слайд 57) How often do you drink coffee, cola, and other

energy drinks? A. Without them I can’t imagine my day; B.

I drink them from time to time; C. Usually I do not need them at all.

8) How often during the day do you eat? A. 3 times or more; B. 2 times; C. 1 time.

7) How often do you drink coffee, cola, and other energy drinks? A. Without them I can’t

Слайд 69) How much time do you spend in front of

the every day?
A. Very little time; B. 2-3 hours; C. The whole


10) How long before the bedtime is it better to have a meal? A. 4 hours before ; B. 2 hours before ; C. 1 hour before.

9) How much time do you spend in front of the every day?A. Very little time; B.

Слайд 711) How often do you have snacks between breakfast and

lunch, lunch and dinner? A. never; B. 2 times; C. 3 times.
12) How

often do you eat vegetables, fruits, salads? A. 3 times a day; B. 1 - 2 times a day; C. 2 - 3 times a week.
11) How often do you have snacks between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner? A. never; B.

Слайд 813) How often do you eat fast food? A. Often; B. Rare; C.

14) When you go to bed? A. Always about the same

time; B. It all depends on the mood; C. Once you have completed all the cases.
13) How often do you eat fast food? A. Often; B. Rare; C. Never.14) When you go

Слайд 915) When do you get out of breath? A. After 1-2

minutes of running; B. After 5 minutes; C. After 10 minutes or

even more.

16) How often do you take a walk in the fresh air? A. Every day; B. Every two - three days; C. Almost never because I have no time.

15) When do you get out of breath? A. After 1-2 minutes of running; B. After 5

Слайд 1017) At what age is the personal hygiene important? A. In

the childhood; B. at the age of 30-40 years old; C. At

any age.

18) How many hours a day (on average per week) do you sleep? A. Less than 6 hours; B. 6 - 7 hours; C. About 8 hours.

17) At what age is the personal hygiene important? A. In the childhood; B. at the age

Слайд 1119) How you cope with stressful situations? A. I am very

worried and nervous; B. Easy, I know how to control my

emotions and feelings; C. Try not to pay attention to them, but I do not always succeed.

20) Do you drink alcohol? A. It is quite usual thing for me (almost daily); B. Drink alcohol at most two or three times a week; C. Never.

19) How you cope with stressful situations? A. I am very worried and nervous; B. Easy, I

Слайд 1221) Do you smoke ...? A. Regularly; B. Only in special cases; C.

22) Do you use drugs? A. Yes; B. Sometimes; C. No.

21) Do you smoke ...? A. Regularly; B. Only in special cases; C. Never.22) Do you use

Слайд 130-48 points - You do not pay enough attention to

the health and active lifestyle. Try to be more attentive

to your health! 49-59 points - in some areas you care enough about your health, but you can always improve something. 60-66 points - Wow! Care of health and regular physical activity is an important part of life for you
0-48 points - You do not pay enough attention to the health and active lifestyle. Try to

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