Разделы презентаций

"Самые известные достопримечательности Британии"

National Parks are beautiful and spectacular expanses of relatively wild nature.I want to tell you about Lake District National Park.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Lake District National Park
Учитель Торопова О.Н.

The Lake District National ParkУчитель Торопова О.Н.

Слайд 2National Parks are beautiful and spectacular expanses of relatively wild

I want to tell you about
Lake District National Park.

National Parks are beautiful and spectacular expanses of relatively wild nature.I want to tell you about Lake

Слайд 3The Lake District National Park is one of a family

of 15 National Parks in UK.
In 1951, the Lake District

National Park was established in order to conserve and enhance the area’s natural beauty.
The Lake District National Park is one of a family of 15 National Parks in UK.In 1951,

Слайд 4The Lake District National Park is a beautiful national park

in the north west of England, famed for its verdant

mountains and valleys as well as a number of clear, freshwater lakes.
The Lake District National Park is a beautiful national park in the north west of England, famed

Слайд 5It has Windermere, the longest lake in England, and Scafell

Pike, the highest mountain in England.
The Lake District is the

largest national park in Britain.
It has Windermere, the longest lake in England, and Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England.The Lake

Слайд 6There are a number of museums and castles dotted around

the area; Lowther Castle and Muncaster Castle among them.

There are a number of museums and castles dotted around the area; Lowther Castle and Muncaster Castle

Слайд 7Now the Lake District is one of the most popular

tourist places in Britain. It is a place where you

can enjoy fishing in the rivers and lakes or boating on the quiet waters of Lakeland.
Now the Lake District is one of the most popular tourist places in Britain. It is a

Слайд 8National Parks are the most popular kind of protected areas

in the world.

National Parks are the most popular kind of protected areas in the world.

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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