Разделы презентаций

Save the nature

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The 13th of February The theme: Save the Nature

The 13th of February   The theme: Save the Nature

Слайд 2Mother Nature

Mother Nature

Слайд 3Presentation of the new words
Petrol station [‘petrəl ’steɪſ(ə)n] бензозаправочная станция

Factory [’fæktərɪ] фа́брика, заво́д.
Road [rəʊd] дорога
Pollute [pə’lu:t/ загрязня́ть

Pollution [pə’lu:ſən] загрязне́ние
Fur [fə:] мех
Skin [skɪn] ко́жа
Destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] разруша́ть,
Soil [sɔɪl] по́чва.
Presentation of the new wordsPetrol station [‘petrəl ’steɪſ(ə)n] бензозаправочная станция Factory [’fæktərɪ] фа́брика, заво́д. Road [rəʊd] дорога

Слайд 4Put the new words an appropriate phrase: pollution, destroy, skin,

fur, pollute, factory
____________ means to make water, air, soil

dangerously dirtier.
The __________ of the ocean shore was really great after the damage of an oil tank.
My father works in a _______________
A lot of buildings were ______________after strong tornado.
Only animals have ___________
-Look at ________ of his face. He has funny freckles.

Put the new words an appropriate phrase: pollution, destroy, skin, fur, pollute, factory ____________ means to make

Слайд 5Answer the questions:
What do you know about nature of Great

Why do people go to national parks?
What do you think

happened to countryside in Britain during the Industrial Revolution?
What is smog?
Answer the questions:What do you know about nature of Great Britain?Why do people go to national parks?What

Слайд 8Home task
Ex 7, 8 p 139

Home task Ex 7, 8 p 139

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