Разделы презентаций

School things form 2

School things

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2School things

School things

Слайд 4I –group: Numbers

II-group: Colours

III-group: School things

I –group: NumbersII-group: ColoursIII-group: School things

Слайд 5Checking up the

Checking up the Hometask

Слайд 6Watch the video and Repeat New words

Watch the video and Repeat New words

Слайд 7Magic box

Magic box

Слайд 8Individually work
Writing in your laminowany paper

Individually workWriting in your laminowany paper

Слайд 9Group work
– you must make school things using ribbon and


II. - make school objects using wires and paper.


– make different objects with coloured papers and pea
Group work– you must make school things using ribbon and paper II. - make school objects using

Слайд 10Pairwork

I. Count and say
II. Listen and colour
III. Finds words about

school things

PairworkI. Count and sayII. Listen and colourIII. Finds words about school things

Слайд 20 pencil


Слайд 22This___

This___ is

Слайд 23This is a computer
These are computers

This is a computer These are computers

Слайд 24This___

This___ is

Слайд 25These_____


Слайд 26These_____


Слайд 28What did you learn for today?

Each group expresses their opinion

using a microphone.

What did you learn for today?Each group expresses their opinion using a microphone.

Слайд 29If you like this lesson and it’s very interesting please

take you star and tick in the green smile.


you tired and you don’t understand this lesson please tick your star in the yellow smile.

If you don’t like this lesson and you are very boring please take your star in the red smile.
If you like this lesson and it’s very interesting please take you star and tick in the

Слайд 30Thank you for your attention
Good bye!

Thank you for your attentionGood bye!

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