Разделы презентаций

Seasons (3 класс)


Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2Contents


Слайд 3Winter
Winter is snowy, 
Winter is frosty. 
The ground is

All day and all night.
This is the season 

When children can ski, 
Play snowballs 
And dance round the New Year Tree.

Winter Winter is snowy,  Winter is frosty.  The ground is white  All day and all night. This

Слайд 4Spring
Spring is green, Bright, fresh, and new. Yellow is

the sun, Bright, bold, and true. Blue is the sky,

Shimmering and cool.
And flowers everywhere are in full bloom!

Spring Spring is green,  Bright, fresh, and new.  Yellow is the sun,  Bright, bold,

Слайд 5Summer
Summer is the season when nights are short. 
And children

have plenty of fun and sport. 
Boating and swimming all

day long 
Will make us healthy and strong.

SummerSummer is the season when nights are short.  And children have plenty of fun and sport.  Boating

Слайд 6Autumn
Summer is over. 
September comes. 
October and November 
Are autumn

The summer is over,
The trees are bare.
There is mist

in the garden
And frost in the air.

AutumnSummer is over.  September comes.  October and November  Are autumn months.  The summer is over,The trees are

Слайд 7

This is the season
When vegetables grow,
I come to the garden

make water flow.

This is the seasonWhen vegetables grow,I come to the garden	And make water flow.

Слайд 8
This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes
To stay in

the room.
This is the season
When birds make their nests,
This is

the season
We all like best.
This is the seasonWhen snowdrops bloom,When nobody likesTo stay in the room.This is the seasonWhen birds make

Слайд 9
This is the season
When children ski
And Grandfather Frost
Brings the New

Year tree.

This is the seasonWhen children skiAnd Grandfather FrostBrings the New Year tree.

Слайд 10This is the season
When fruit is sweet,
This is the season

school friends meet!

This is the seasonWhen fruit is sweet,This is the seasonWhen school friends meet!

Слайд 11THANK YOU!


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